The EU denounces Mexico, China, the EU, Turkey and Canada before the WTO



The United States denounced Monday the European Union, Mexico, Canada, China and Turkey to the World Trade Organization (WTO) for Application of tariffs on their exports imposed by Washington on imports of aluminum and steel.

These complaints were independently and formally submitted to the world body on the grounds that the tariff measures of these five economies are "illegal", unlike the levies imposed by The White House, responding to a question of "national security "said in a statement the Ministry of Commerce.

"The actions taken by the President (of the United States, Donald Trump) are fully legitimized and justified in the American legislation and the rules of international trade," said Robert Lighthizer, director of foreign trade, quoted in the note.

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In recent months, Trump has increased trade tensions with countries and regions considered partners of the United States. In fact, the US government decided in June to end the exemption of steel and aluminum tariffs from the EU, Canada, and the United States. of Mexico, a move to which similar measures have been applied Washington's decision coincides with the official complaint filed by Beijing against the United States a few hours earlier for its decision to impose additional duties of $ 200 billion on a list of Chinese products.

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These new rates in Beijing will have a greater reach than the levies already they came into effect, worth $ 34 billion, which has already led China to file another complaint with the company. WTO on July 6th.

"The United States will take all necessary measures to protect our interests working with us constructively to solve the problems created by the mbadive and persistent excess capacity of the steel and aluminum sectors. ", concluded Lighthizer.

Mexico's Response

The Ministry of Economy (SE) announced on Monday that it will badyze the request made by the US Government to issue a response within the next 10 days.

He indicated that if "US purchases of steel and aluminum from Mexico do not pose a threat to the national security of this country," he said in a statement. "

The Mexican government argued that the trade relationship between the two countries has generated an integrated regional market where steel and aluminum products contribute to the competitiveness of the region in the region. various strategic sectors such as automotive, aerospace, electricity and electronics.

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He added that the Government of Mexico has added tariffs to US products in response to tariffs imposed "unjustifiably and under the argument of national security" by the US government on steel and aluminum imports.

The Federal Administration has reiterated its commitment to continue defending the interests of the domestic industry with regard to the measures unilateral contrary rights and obligations agreed under international trade law.

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