The extended national of MAS ratifies the application of Evo for 2020-2025


The national extension of MAS social organizations resolved this Saturday in Santa Cruz to ratify the nomination of Evo Morales as presidential candidate for the period 2020-2025, without mentioning the current vice-president. President Álvaro García Linera as a companion of the formula, as Friday raised an extension of intercultural cultivators and coca to Chimoré.

The resolution, which takes several signatures from national leaders, ensures that Evo Morales becomes the only historical leader who guarantees the continuity of the peaceful democratic and cultural revolution that is undergoing the Plurinational State

in time for to ratify the disciplinary and organic support of all MAS-IPSP militancy, it lays its foundation to mobilize in political work from the ground up to defeat neoliberal politicians and "never come back to government."

L & # 39; expanded also resolved to consolidate the unit in coordination with national leadership, without allowing conflicts, interference or internal divisions of any kind.

Ratify the need to coordinate with all original and peasant authorities to update the list of activists and consolidate more than one and a half million activists, in a term

They also approved the mandatory contribution to all elected, national, departmental, municipal authorities, ministers, deputy ministers in application of their statute . , should retroactively regularize contributions to the party's bank account, otherwise they will be returned to the Disciplinary Court of Ethics for treatment and corresponding sanction .

They agree to respect the election of candidates hired and chosen in a disciplinary manner, but also provide that not all officers may be simultaneous officials, except the exceptions of the law.

Declared a state of emergency prior to any US interference in the process of change, as well as rejecting citizen platforms that – in their view – respond to neoliberal lodges and characters. 19659009] [ad_2]
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