The fake journalists deployed on Syrian soil ask Israel for help


July 20, 2018, 05:45 Damascus, July 20 (Prensa Latina) At least 75 suspected journalists who supported their false statements report to Western campaigns of misinformation about the Syrian reality, asked Israel to allow them to pbad on their territory, the media reported today.

These alleged social communication agents, who until now operated in areas controlled in this Arab country by terrorist groups, demanded that Tel Aviv be evacuated to European countries, broadcast the network of Voltairenet Information

According to this publication, reporters whose names are unknown, have been dedicated to attempting to accredit allegations of alleged crimes committed by the Syrian authorities, such as the alleged use of 39, chemical weapons

. The sources denounced that these false communicators, who were installed in Syria by the British intelligence service M16, received funding from or media such as Saudi television Al-Arabiya, BBC and Qatari TV channel Al-Jazeera .

With an annual budget of three million euros, the communication device also served the service of other entities such as France 24 British television Sky, said Voltairenet

The group of 75 So-called communicators are trying to leave Syrian territory on the pretext that the international press, for those who worked with images and handled the reports appropriately, abandoned them to their fate.

Such a decision of this communication device comes in a context where terrorist groups suffer setbacks in the Syrian Army's offensive in the southern regions such as Deraa and Quneitra, close to those occupied by Israel.

The government of Damascus has repeatedly denounced to international organizations that entities working under the facade Humanitarian agencies, such as the infamous White Helmets, are making in Syria scenarios of chemical attacks presumed by Damascus

. Such organizations, actually terrorists, justify Western aggression against this Arab nation, such as On April 14, Western countries launched more than a hundred missiles against Syrian territory.

On this occasion, the United States, France and the United Kingdom affirmed that the military action was conducted against the objectives of this State in retaliation. the alleged use of toxic substances in the city of Douma, east of Damascus, which has been belied by governments of countries such as Russia and Syria

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