The former Paraguayan president will lead the transition to Yaciretá


14 July 2018, 14:06 Asunción, 14 July (Prensa Latina) The elected President of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benitez, announced today that he has asked former President Nicanor Duarte (2003-2008) to lead the team The transition from the Paraguayan-Argentine binational entity Yacyretá, reported the media today

Abdo Benitez who spoke with the press during his tour of Expoferia de Mariano Roque Alfonso, in the central department, explained that Duarte will be Luis Fretes, After the trip that Duarte did with Abdo Benítez in Bolivia, the former president said that he There was no concrete offer to fill a position, but that talks would continue after the Senate failed to incorporate him as an active senator. 19659003] On the other hand, the future Paraguayan president argued that the Itaipu Binacional team will be led by his former campaign manager, José Alberto Alderete, who will be accompanied by Mónica Pérez, ex-Central Bank holder. of Paraguay (BCP).

In another part of his conversation with the media, he stressed that Paraguay must be built from the debate. "The sectors of production are a part and a joint responsibility for the construction of Paraguay's destiny."

We must be able to listen not only to applause but also criticism. This is how he built a more egalitarian, more just society, he said.

He badured that he sees no political crisis in the country and appealed to the maturity of all authorities to understand the huge commitment of the nation. ro / cw

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