The French club of Nantes hires Brazilian footballer Fabio


July 18, 2018, 13:15 Paris, July 18 (Prensa Latina) The French club Nantes has hired Brazilian football player Fabio Pereira da Silva for three seasons, announced today the management of the team.

A 28-year-old left-back arrives at the French Middlesbrough team.

The native of the Brazilian city of Petrópolis made his debut as a pro at Manchester United England, a set with which he played 16 games of the Champions League. he who reached the finals in 2011.

He also played in the Queens Park Rangers, Cardiff and Middlesbrough, until completing 80 Premier League matches and 72 in the English Second Division.

In addition, the side has two He was captain under 17 years of the 2007 South Korea World Cup in this category.

Fabio, twin brother of French defender Rafael da Silva Lyon, will wear the number two jersey Nant. It is under the orders of the new coach, Miguel Cardoso

I am very happy, I come in a big club and I can not wait to start coaching and helping my teammates in the championship of France, said the South American. tomorrow.

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