The national team has just been eliminated from the World Cup. There are hysterical cries that ask the head of the coach because, they say, it's bad, palabrero and it does not work. There are outraged cries that require the immediate exile of some of the best players in the team. Enraged and in pain, the horde also requires the "renewal" of everything and everyone and asks to investigate the alignment because it was that and not that one. They think she is suspicious and will swear to her with a nauseating odor.
But, be careful. An obligatory and timely clarification: this text does not date from the time when Colombia left Russia in the second round, she was without World Cup and is about to land in Bogota.
These lines were written 20 years ago – I repeat, 20 years! – when the national team was eliminated in the first round of France-1998 and also by England. Capricho del destino
The technician was Hernán Darío & Bolillo & # 39; Gómez, crucified for his harmless manners, his orders and his strategies, those accused of dishonoring the uniform of the homeland were, among others, "Tino & # 39; Asprilla and & # 39; Pibe & Valderrama y, in a reflection more in the mirror of the time, the undisputed Iván Ramiro Córdoba who did not play and the starter was the surprise Wonder Palacios, who s & # 39; ; called & # 39; Chaca's, who replaced him because they said his business opportunities in the transfer market
José Néstor Pékerman, coach of Colombia
The country football does not change either. Perhaps the only thing different from this era is that now, with the social networking speaker, screams and hysteria are magnified and not just in the mouth of a handful of press critics .
Since then in France, Colombia has disappeared from the World Cup map for its eliminations for Korea and Japan-2002, Germany-2006 and South-Africa. 2010. At the age of 16, José Pékerman and his Argentine technical team put the country back on the planet with two consecutive World Cup qualifiers in a marvelous and unequaled pbadage to the quarter-finals in Brazil-2014 and, today with a serious and struggling team that won his group and reached the second round and was eliminated in a penalty shoot-off.
Success is not disputed
This is the end of the era of Pekerman and his team of coaches in Colombia? The contract between them and the Colombian football federation ends next August, when there will be simultaneous adjustments in the rector's executive committee. However, Ramón Jesurún, his president, and Álvaro González, his second powerful vice president, will remain in their seats.
Since the elimination is very recent, caution is extreme. In Kazan, for example, where the national team returned to pack their bags, and in Moscow, where they left before 3:30 on Wednesday, they preferred to ignore the problem and left that waters of anger and anger, as they say in Argentina, have calmed down.
Disgust is in everyone and everyone in the team. From the DT down, pbading by Captain Falcao, ensures that Colombia was eliminated, more than by England, by the American referee Mark Geiger and his decisions considered as persecutory and, perhaps even malicious.
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