The government announces at least 150 works for La Paz on the occasion of its anniversary


The Minister of Productive Development and Plural Economy, Eugenio Rojas, reported Monday that in the coming days, a honey processing plant will be inaugurated at Irupana, a tourist airport in Copacabana and the Celestial Line of cable car among more than 150 works that the government will deliver in celebration of La Paz's birthday.

Rojas said that the honey processing plant required an investment of 38 million bolivianos, Copacabana tourist airport about 40 million bolivianos, and the Celestial line of the cable car more than 79 million of dollars

"Friday we have the inauguration of a honey processing plant with an investment of 38 million bolivianos in Irupana, perhaps we will inaugurate the Copacabana airport, this morning we sent a commission To check this airport, this inauguration is important, "he told reporters.

He explained that it is planned to inaugurate This week, the agenda was divided into three parts: the first commissioned by President Evo Morales, the second by the Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera and the third by the Speaker of the House of Senators, José Alberto. Gonzales

Rojas announced that he should also provide drinking water and electrification systems, sports centers, double runways, educational units and paving, among other works. (09-07-2018)

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