The Government prepares for the review of the FTA with China | Photo 1 of 5 | Economy


A series of improvements will be proposed by the Government to the Administrative Commission of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China as part of the review that the two countries will make to l & # 39; agreement. This was announced by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade, Edgar Vásquez.

The intention, he explained, is to optimize the treaty for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). However, the news has raised suspicions in the National Society of Industries (SNI). According to its president, Ricardo Márquez, the fact that China has to pay more tariffs in the United States. it has generated that he is looking to step up the sale of more products in Latin America.

"Seeing with the problem of increasing US tariffs in 35%, which will reach $ 200 billion, China is looking for markets in Latin America because these products are going to have to to be sold somewhere .It is why China asks for this badessment, "he said in Peru.21

For Márquez, this situation requires to grant more and more Attention to measures to stimulate value-added exports. " We want to export more manufactured goods, more agro-industry and allow to enter more quickly in new products."

"We must stop the rhetoric and clearly indicate how the export rules will add value for China," he added.

On the other hand, the president of the Association of Exporters (ADEX), Juan Varilias, explained that they will submit proposals to the government and that with these "will seek to promote non-traditional expeditions "to the Asian giant.

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