The image of Russia changes among fans, while EU security experts are skeptical


Before the 2018 World Cup, several media told fans that visiting the tournament in Russia was at their own risk. The country has been portrayed as a villain of the global context, represented by its leader Vladimir Putin.

In fact, the biggest football competition of the year came at a very sensitive time for Russia: amid sanctions for the annexation of Crimea. 2014, accusations of interference in the United States presidential elections in 2016 and the scandal by the poisoning of a former Russian spy in the United Kingdom. And although the Cup has virtually no direct geopolitical relevance, it has been used by the country's chief and diplomats to reopen and strengthen channels of communication with the rest of the world.

  Russia 2018

On Saturday, July 14, before the final between Croatia and France, the President of FIFA, Gianni Infantino, declared in front of the public during an event at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow , with Putin, that the tournament has transformed "the perception that the world has of Russia"

The month-long celebration of football unfolded without major security incidents, and concerns about possible racist incidents and the violence of local supporters also proved to be false.

The fans who came to The country spoke of a positive experience in the World Cup, and Putin said that Russia was anxious to see them again. He said that foreigners have expressed their desire to return with their family and friends, and that it is necessary to offer "the most comfortable visa regime" for football fans

. so much effect on the experts of the European Union. The pan-European think-tank called the European Council for External Relations has just published the report "The nightmare of darkness: security fears that prevent Europeans from sleeping at night", which includes a clbadification based on expert inquiries from 28 countries, badysis of media and official documents.

According to the document, Russia and international criminal organizations rank second among the main threats to the security of the Union. Radical Islamist groups occupy first place, while North Korea ranks third.

The authors noted that in 2008 Russia ranked fourth in terms of danger, but the situation changed after the annexation of Crimea. In addition, mistrust of Moscow is increasing due to cybercrime and hostile actions in the area of ​​information. It also indicates that the listed threats will remain at least until 2028.

"Member States expect the world to become more geopolitical: they expect the jihadists' threats, International criminal organizations, Russia and North Korea remain the same decade in the next decade, and that threats from Turkey and China increase in the period, "the report concludes.


an increase is expected from foreign tourism in Russia next year thanks to the World Cup.

The countries of the EU most concerned about the Russian threat:

United Kingdom Kingdom

Countries of the Union that are not afraid of Russia:



HOMEALON asked the fans in Moscow about the best and the worst experiences they had in Russia during the World Cup:

  Nisimejud Palma

Nisimejud Palma,
Freighter 23, from Mexico

The best:
"The atmosphere in the streets, the warmth of the Russian people and the holidays were great."

The Worst:
"Food In Mexico, we have the habit of having more variety, and I feel that in my country it tastes better, there is nothing hot here. "

  William Tarazona

William Tarazona,
Peruvian architect of 36 years

"The best thing I enjoyed was that all teams were the same, Ronaldo or Messi are no longer such great figures, and we have seen a lot of team play. "

The worst:
"I wanted to see Portugal, Argentina and Brazil in the semifinals or finals, it is the same for Uruguay, but that does not happen. did not happen. "

  Eduardo Barburi

Eduardo Barburi,
18 year old student from Brazil

The Best:
"I loved the FIFA Fan Fest Party and the emotions that I felt in the stadiums, and I was able to visit several cities and they were very beautiful . "

] "Russians do not know English very well, so it was difficult to talk to people in restaurants and hotels, very difficult to communicate.

  Mark Joseph [19659004] Mark Joseph, <br />
53 year old lawyer from England</p>
<p> Best: <br /> "The atmosphere was great, people were entertained, watched games, listened to music, everyone was relaxed and enjoying the tournament." </p>
<p>  Worst: <br /> "I do not have Distances are very long, at least in Moscow, and sometimes there is no bus on the way, so moving somewhere was quite difficult. "</p>
<div clbad=  Elbio of Agrela

Elbio of Agrela,
56 years old merchant from Uruguay

The best:
"The weather was beautiful, the people of Russia welcomed everyone, and the organization of the World Cup was amazing."

The worst:
"The only bad thing is that Uruguay lost against France, everything else was perfect."

  Rodrigo Buchara

Rodrigo Buchara,
Real estate broker of 30 years in Argentina

The best:
"Women in Russia are so nice, so beautiful, everyone here was very kind and treated us well, I am very happy."

"We rent an apartment in the center of Moscow and there was no hot water for two weeks, because they closed it during the Summer in this neighborhood, we had to take cold showers and it was terrible. "

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