The importance of Fidel's historical legacy is distinguished in Russia


July 5, 2018, 18:28 By Antonio Rondón García

Moscow, July 5 (PL) Russian Senator Sergei Kalashnikov today stressed the importance of the "lorries". Fidel Castro's historical legacy and his role in the development of 20th century national liberation movements

I have been fortunate to witness three activities with the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, said the President of the Committee of Friendship with Cuba of the Council of the Federation (Russian Senate), in a meeting in one of the places of this organ, in this capital.

Recalling the 55th anniversary of Fidel Castro's visit to this country, Kalashnikov recalled a personal pbadage, when in 1995, at a conference in Copenhagen, Fidel Il stopped on a plaza empty in this city, with only five or six tourists.

The Cuban leader made a speech and ten minutes later, a crowd gathered to listen, he said. Many of them did not know Spanish, but the emotional strength of their words caught their attention, he added.

Kalashnikov considered that it was just one of the many examples that demonstrate the moral strength of the Commander's personality. Fidel in this country

The Russian senator said that the figure of the leader of the Cuban revolution has long since left the national framework of his country, because he has taken an international dimension, with great influence in Latin America, he thinks. With Fidel Castro, a new type of social politician emerges, he says

In addition, Kalashnikov said that the special ties of Russia with Cuba are maintained and in this sense he stressed that the students of the Caribbean country are the only strangers.

For his part, the ambbadador of Cuba in this country, Gerardo Peñalver, recalled that on April 28, 1963, Fid the Castro arrived in Murmansk to begin a journey of nearly 40 days by the time of the war. Soviet Union of the time.

The Commander-in-Chief thanked the support and emphasized the recognition of the Russian people for their strength and confidence in a better world. He stressed his willingness to defend the historical ties between the two peoples.

We went through difficult times, but no one was able to destroy our friendship, said Peñalver, who expressed confidence in the potential of both countries. The head of the Latin American Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Alexander Schetinin, said Fidel Castro had converted his trust in Russia and Cuba. The country is an important part of international politics, which has been established as an alternative voice, he said.

Cuba is part of our history, Our present and, I hope, it is also our future, he said.

In recent years, our countries have learned to conduct pragmatic cooperation and close friendship, they have demonstrated the existence of common interests. Cuba is a strong and consistent ally of Russia in international affairs, Schetinin said.

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