The jiperos, new private transport option for tourism in Mayari


In the Pinares Mountains of Mayarí, Holguín, a new transportation option badociated with nature tourism has emerged through private sector initiative.

Those who are interested in visiting the Guayabo Falls, where they stand up a hotel villa with a rustic point of view, and access to the Cueva del Seboruco, of archaeological value, you can use the services of jiperos (owners of American Jeep brand jeeps) to relocate.

For tours they charge between 40 and 100 CUC, depending on the distance and the number of tourists.

According to the Web site Diario de Cuba, there are rental houses specifically designed for backpackers, who promote packages of stays online and site visits

It all started by chance, because of the interest of tourists. But in the face of growing demand, vehicle owners converted the rides into an offer.

At first, they only offered services to those staying in Mayarí, but now they even rent them to take travelers to the entrance of the city.

"In summer, the Cubans who come to visit are the ones who rent the most for the whole family, sometimes up to two jets at a time, and spend the day in a nice place." The same thing for the jump , as for the motel (Villa Pinares de Mayarí), the Cueva de Seboruco or the virgin beach of Corintia ", revealed a jipero.

State hotels also benefited from this activity.

] William Peniché, administrator of the restaurant Salto del Guayabo, commented that the influx of tourists has increased thanks to the jiperos.

"It's a very beautiful place, but it's difficult to access it alone.It's far and the road is dangerous.They perform a very important function and many people can come Thanks to them, both Cuban and foreign, we benefit enormously as a company, "he admitted.

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