The José Martí European Solidarity Brigade initiates activities in Cuba – Radio Santa Cruz


Havana, July 9 – The José Martí European Brigade of Solidarity with Cuba begins today in the Julio Antonio Mella International Camp, in the western province of Artemisa, an intense day of entertainment. activities that includes lectures and productive work. [19659002 According to the Cuban Institute of Friendship with Peoples, activists will participate Monday in a conversation about the life and work of Cuba's national hero, José Martí (1853-1895), and they tomorrow will learn details of the Cuban political system.

United States policy towards Cuba. The impact of the blockade, and the media war and misinformation against Cuba and other revolutionary and progressive processes, will also focus some of the exchanges.

According to the program, the brigadistas will visit the memorial complex of martyrs and heroes of Artemis, and will place a floral offering at the José Martí Memorial from the memorial bearing the name of the Apostle at the Plaza de la Revolución , in Havana.

They will also arrive in the eastern province of Santiago de Cuba, where they will visit the Moncada barracks and attend the popular rally on July 26, National Rebellion Day.

Composed of representatives from Spain, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden and Russia, the brigade in its 48th edition will meet Cuban internationalist doctors and will perform volunteer work. (PL)

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