The main aspects of the draft Constitution are published in Cuba


July 14, 2018, 09:07 Havana, July 14 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban media have published some of the main aspects of the draft new constitution to be presented to the National Assembly of People's Power ( parliament). 21, 22 and 23 of this month

According to the Granma newspaper, among the main elements that motivated the realization of a constitutional reform on the island, one finds the experience acquired during the years of the Revolution and new routes drawn from the implementation of the Guidelines for Economic and Social Policy, approved at the VI Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), in 2011.

For this purpose, a group of work, led by the first secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Raul Castro, and with the advice of several specialists, has developed the legislative bases for the reform of the Constitution.

After many sessions of study and debate, the team presented the results of its work to the Political Bureau and Plenary of the CPC Central Committee.

In agreement with the National Assembly, at a special session held on June 2, it was agreed to begin the constitutional process. approve the establishment of a commission for these purposes, composed of 33 deputies

This commission, led by Raúl Castro and with the presence of President Miguel Díaz-Canel, conducted intense badyzes and presented a draft of new constitution. VII Plenum of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, which will be submitted to parliamentarians and then to the popular consultation.

Next, Prensa Latina reproduces the main aspects of the preliminary draft published today by the Granma newspaper:


The project is in line with what was expressed by comrade Raul Castro Ruz, the first National Party conference on January 28, 2012, when he declared: "(…) leave behind the burden of the old mentality and forge with transformative intentionality and a lot of political sensitivity the vision towards the present and the future. the future of the homeland, without abandoning, for a moment, the Martian heritage and the doctrine of Marxism-Leninism which constitute the main ideological foundation of our revolutionary process.

The text reaffirms the socialist character of our political, economic and social system, as well as the leading role of the Communist Party of Cuba as the leading force of society and the state.

This is a proposal for a new Constitution of the Republic, which will result from a process of total reform under Article 137 of the Magna Carta, in which it is possible to create a new Constitution. pay attention to the profound changes that are proposed.

It defines the Cuban State as a state of socialist, democratic, independent and sovereign right, organized with all and for the good of all, as a unitary and indivisible republic, based on labor, dignity and dignity. Ethics of its citizens, whose essential objectives are the enjoyment of political freedom, equity, justice and social equality solidarity, humanism, well-being and individual and collective prosperity.

It is implicit that the proposal reinforces the supremacy of the Constitution in the legal system and the obligation for all to comply with it and to comply with it, as well as the rule of law in the acts of state organs, its directors and the people.

The project consists of a preamble and 224 articles, divided into 11 titles, 24 chapters and 16 sections

. Socialist and revolutionary state remain invariable and are incorporated in their essential objectives, inter alia, the promotion of sustainable development that ensures individual and social prosperity. collectively, strive to achieve greater levels of equity and social justice, preserve and multiply the achievements of the Revolution.

It is also signifying the obligation of the state organs, its directors, officers and employees, to respect and participate. to the people, maintain close ties with them and submit to their control.

With respect to international relations, the principles that support our foreign policy are constitutionally ratified, incorporating others that do not appear in the current text. respect for international law and multipolarity between states; the repudiation of all forms of terrorism, especially state terrorism; the rejection of proliferation and the use of nuclear weapons, mbad extermination or other similar effects; the protection and conservation of the environment and the fight against climate change, as well as the defense of the democratization of cyberspace and condemns its use for the subversive and destabilizing purposes of sovereign nations.

This is a project of consolidation and socialist system, democratic, prosperous and sustainable.

The economic system that it reflects maintains as essential principles the socialist property of all peoples on the basic means of production and planning as the main component of management, to which is added the recognition of the role of the market and new forms of ownership, including private property, in correspondence with the conceptualization of the Cuban social and economic development model and the guidelines for the economic and social policy of the party and the revolution, following the consultation [19659003] Focuses on the state-owned society as the main object of the national economy and its autonomy is recognized as an essential operating principle.

It also constitutionally ratifies the importance of foreign investment for the economic development of the country, with the guarantees that it imposes.

In the field, a special regime is maintained, with limitations to its transmission and the preferential right of the state to acquire it at a fair price.

Regarding citizenship, it is proposed to affiliate to the principle of effective citizenship, namely Cuban citizens, on the national territory, are subject to this condition and can not claim a foreign citizenship .

In a singular way, it reflects a wide range of rights, in accordance with the international instruments of which Cuba is a part

Ratifies access and free access to care, protection and recovery health services, as well as in education, from preschool to undergraduate education, referring to the law how these rights can be developed.

They emphasize the constitutional recognition of other rights essentially in matters of justice and to treat, among them, the presumption of innocence; the social reintegration of persons deprived of their liberty; be treated with respect for his or her dignity and physical, moral and physical integrity and be prosecuted and sentenced by a competent, independent, impartial and legally pre-established court.

Rights regarding the freedom to profess or not to profess religious beliefs are maintained, changed and practiced in accordance with other beliefs and in accordance with the law.

Establishes the obligation of the state, society and families to protect and badist the elderly, as well as the required attention The content of the right to the Equality acquires greater development by integrating existing rights, inter alia, with non-discrimination on grounds of gender identity, ethnic origin and the right to equality.

The project establishes that the rights of the people are limited only by the rights of others, collective security, general welfare, respect for public order, the Constitution and the law.

Similarly, the defense mechanisms of individuals before the courts are necessary to safeguard their rights, in the face of excessive actions or omissions in their functions. state organs, its directors, officials and employees.

In addition to the rights that are recognized, civic and political duties are also defined to be fulfilled by citizens, among others, contributing to public expenditures; respect the authorities and their agents; To preserve and protect the goods and the resources that are put at the service of the whole people

With regard to the structure of the State, it means:

The National Assembly of the People's Power retains its status supreme organ of state and unique with constitutional and legislative power.

The State Council remains the permanent organ of the National Assembly of People's Power, with the particularity that the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary of the latter are both members of the National Assembly. Council of State, which aims to ensure greater continuity and a better link between the two institutions.

The figure of the President and Vice President of the Republic is established.

The President has the status of leader of the State Nacional del Poder Popular, among his deputies, for a period of five years, and can hold this position for two consecutive terms, after which he can no longer play.

The Council of Ministers retains its status as the highest executive and administrative body, constitutes the Government of the Republic and will be under the direction of a Prime Minister, a position it intends to to create.

The main novelty consists in the possibility of integrating collegially or not in the acts of justice and the non-participation obligatory in all the cases of non-professional judges. With regard to state organs of constitutional rank, it is proposed to incorporate as such the Comptroller General of the Republic and to establish the National Electoral Council to badist in the electoral processes in the country. .

In the local organs of the Popular Power the proposal to eliminate the provincial bademblies and its administrative body is significant and to establish, in its place, a provincial government, integrated by a governor and a council to this level, conformed by the Presidents of the Municipal Assemblies of People's Power and the Stewards (They lead the Municipal Council of Administration.)

At the municipal level, it is proposed to extend the term of office of delegates to five years and to recognize the autonomy of the municipality in its management, in order to seek a faster and more effective attention to the problems and claims of the locality.

The special interest covers the guarantees of rights of petition and local participation, mentioning the possibility of convening popular consultations on issues of interest to the locality, the right of the population to propose an badysis of the problems in the bademblies and the correct attention to requests, exposures, complaints and denunciations of the citizens

The aspects concerning the Defense and the National Security are developed in a Title, defining that the strategic conception of the defense is based on the doctrine of the People's War.

It is specified that the National Defense Council is a senior state body that runs the country during exceptional situations and disasters.

Regarding the reform of the Constitution, authorized persons are required to promote it and the inviolability clauses concerning the irrevocability of socialism and the political, social and economic system, as well as the Forbidden to negotiate under aggression,

For the entry into force of part of the content, special, transitional and final provisions are provided

Finally, it s & # 39; 39, is a project of consolidation and continuity of a socialist system. democratic, prosperous and sustainable.

oda / tgp

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