The new faces arriving at the Congress of the Republic


For the first time in the Congress of the Republic, 108 senators and 172 representatives will be installed in the House after the constitutional reforms that took place following the signing of the peace agreement with the FARC and the past political reform of the balance of power.

More than 50% of the ending Congress has been re-elected for the period 2018 – 2022 and 46.26% of the legislators will not be part of the new four-year period. Of course, in this new Congress will see new faces in the Senate and the House.

At the Democratic Center will come for the first time to the Professional Congress in the field of health Amanda Rocío González Rodríguez who is the first woman senator for the Casanare, as well as the coffee grower of the department of Caldas Alejandro Corrales .

Happy in the surrender of @IvanDuque and the First Vice-President @mluciaramirez . We leave the future of our country in good hands, I know that GOD will guide every one of your decisions and it will make our country a blessed and prosperous nation. @CeDemocratico

– Senator Amanda Rocío González (@ AmandaRocioGon1) July 16, 2018

For the Uribismo the communicator also opens as senator ] Ruby Chagüi and the young man Carlos Meisel who was a counselor of Barranquilla

In liberalism, two new faces will be seen in Congress: a generational change between the caudillo liberal Horacio Serpa Uribe and his son Horacio José Serpa, who presided at the Council of Bogotá. And Laura Fortich magister in the business administration.

In the conservative party, the senator and president of his community, Hernán Andrade, retired to support his sister Esperanza Andrade Serrano and took her to the Senate of the Republic [19659003] The primíparo of Cambio Radical is Edgar Jesús Díaz Contreras former governor of Norte de Santander, exconcejal of Cúcuta for three periods and who was secretary of the Treasury For the birth of "U" comes to Senate of the Republic José Moisés Besaile brother of the controversial ex-senator Musa Besaile, who faces an investigation at the Supreme Court of Justice by the so-called poster of the toga [19659003] The Green Alliance will have in the Senate of the Republic the ex-mayor of Bogotá and former candidate for the presidency of the Republic Antanas Mockus who was the most voted deputy in the history of the country

#MockusSeQu eda a great human being who has a lot to give! We go with the strength of hope @AntanasMockus @ClaudiaLopez

– Green Alliance (@PartidoVerdeCoL) July 4, 2018 [19659007TotheGreenbenchwillarrivenariñense Jose Aulo Polo who was deputy for the department and professional exfutbolista.

On the sides of the Democratic Pole will come Pedro Leonidas Gómez pioneer of social tourism in Santander and who is of the same political current Senator Jorge Enrique Robledo .

The Senate will come a coalition of some minority parties that supported the Gustavo Petro as a presidential candidate, called the "Decency List."

The librettist telenovela Gustavo Bolívar the president of the Patriotic Union, Aida Avella and the troubadour will be part of it. and humor The 13th district of Medellín Jonatan Tamayo Pérez, known as "maguito."

The new ones in the House

In the House of Representatives there will be several primíparos of different parties that have distinguished themselves by their political trajectory in their regions. However, some well-known family names elected because their parents made history in national political life

draw attention to the bench of the Democratic Center of the House of Commons Representatives Gabriel Santos García son ​​of the former Vice President of the Republic Francisco Santos, active member of the party Uribismo

I started this dream a few months ago, with some fears, uncertainties, anguish and great certainty. city. After long days, a lot of work and proposals that came to our heart, we did it.

– Gabriel Santos G. (@GabrielSantosCD) March 13, 2018

On this same bench will be José Jaime Uscátegui son ​​of General at the retired Jaime Humberto Uscátegui and sentenced for the mbadacre of Mapiripán (Meta).

On the bench of the House of Representatives of the Green Alliance will be the former advisor of the peace process with the FAR La Habana Juanita Goebertus and Mauricio Andrés Toro first openly homobadual man who arrives at the Congress of the Republic

By the so-called "List of Decency" will be in the House Maria Jose Pizarro daughter of the former candidate in the presidential elections, Carlos Pizarro and David Racero, who gave up his security regime as a member of Congress to give it to a social leader who needs it.

Who will be part of the FARC caucus [19659003] With the announcement made by the members of the political party Farc Iván Márquez and Byron Yepes not to accept the seats in the Congress of the Republic, will occupy their seat which will remain inscribed on the list of the National Electoral Council (CNE)

The government had announced that before the legal vacuum created by the non-acceptance of a FARC member to occupy the seat in Congress, the common law which establishes in this case that

In replacement of "Iván Márquez", he will enter "Benkos Biohó"; in the Senate of the Republic and in the House of Representatives, Sergio Marín will replace "Byron Yepes", who announced because of health problems, he will not be able to take place

As a result, the following names will appear on the FARC bench in the Senate:

Pablo Catatumbo

His name is Jorge Torres Victoria, but he decided to leave his nickname for the first time. insurrection on the citizenship card. Catatumbo, 65, joined the Communist Party and was sent to Moscow (Russia) to study in depth Marxism-Leninism.

He started in the insurgency with the M-19 guerrillas in Medellin and then he joined the FARC in his native Cali (Valle del Cauca) by making his way from the leader of the front 26 in the chain from central mountains, pbading by the command of the sixth front in northern Cauca and member of the central staff. del 'secretariado' of the Farc in 2008.

Victoria Sandino

He was born in Tierralta (Córdoba) and entered the guerrillas after being a soldier in the Communist Youth (Juco) then in the Patriotic Union (UP). She enters Congress as Judith Simanca Herrera and will work for gender equality and women's policies.

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