The peso approves meetings between Trump's envoys with AMLO


CITY OF MEXICO (Expansion) –

The Mexican peso recorded slight changes this Friday and generated four weeks of cumulative profits, with a market attentive to the meeting between the virtual president-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and a high-level team sent by Donald Trump, in which US officials received a "proposal for understanding" that includes NAFTA as the first point.

At the meeting, they did not give details of the trade agreement, but the proposal submitted includes the first point regarding the review of NAFTA, said the future foreign minister, Marcelo Ebrard, at a press conference after the meeting, which ended after the official closure of the peso

. about trade and the renegotiation or modernization of NAFTA, "said Ebrard, who said the details of the document will be known once Trump will have it in the hands. [19659003] Basically, the dollar closed at 18.9210 pesos for sale, which meant a marginal loss of 0.04% for the national currency compared to the previous official close, according to data from the Bank of Mexico ( Banxico).

The peso accumulated a weekly gain of 0.91%, spun four weeks of progress.Even this week the Mexican currency fell from the level of 19 pesos.

The national currency has oscillated between the positive ground and negative during the session

The Secretaries of Finance, José Antonio González Anaya, met the Treasury holder, Steven Mnuchin.

Since July 2 after the elections in Mexico, the national currency accumulates a gain 5.65% in the middle of the "Optimism after the economic messages of Andrés Manuel López Obrador

" The Mexican peso observed a moderate recovery after the meeting, "said the director of economic and financial badysis of Banco BASE , Gabriela Siller, in a report

In electronic transactions after the official close, the dollar was trading in 18.9023 pesos, a gain of 0.40% for the peso, according to data from Bloomberg .

In bank counters, the greenback was sold at 19.17 pesos, or two cents more specifically, the previous closing, and the purchase was at 17.95 pesos, according to Citibanamex.

In BBVA Bancomer, the greenback ended up at 19.31 pesos on sale, four hundred above the previous price, and the purchase ended at 18.23 pesos.

The US delegation consists of: Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo; Trump's senior adviser, Jared Kushner; Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin

Upon their arrival in Mexico, US officials made their first commitment to the agenda by meeting with President Enrique Peña Nieto . From there, they went to the United States Embbady in Mexico, and then to the house where Andrés Manuel López Obrador dispatched to the central district of Rome, Mexico City, whose meeting ended with a message of the future Chancellor, Marcelo Ebrard. encuentro "data-height =" 2318 "data-width =" 3500 "data-calc-height =" 530 "data-calc-width =" 800 "/>



United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with Mexico's virtual elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Reuters / Carlos Jbado

  Peña Nieto



The Mexican president has asked the secretary of state for the rapid reunification of separated immigrant families on the southern border of the United States.

Presidency of the Republic

  In the presidency



The team led by Mike Pompeo held a meeting with President Enrique Peña Nieto and part of the Mexican cabinet.

Presidency of the Republic




From left to right, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen; Treasure Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House Councilor Jared Kushner arrive in Mexico City.










US officials will hold talks with President Enrique Peña Nieto, winner of the July 1 presidential election, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray.










Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen will highlight the need to share responsibility for Central American migration flows, according to a statement released Thursday.










White House counsel Jared Kushner was one of the Trump cabinet members who had the most meetings with Mexican officials.










US officials arrived at the Mexico City International Airport at 10:45 am

REUTERS / Carlos Jbado









After his arrival, the American delegation went to the official residence of Los Pinos, where he held a meeting with President Enrique Peña Nieto.










The inner circuit was closed to traffic to facilitate the transit of the American convoy.










US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrives in Mexico City this Friday for a meeting with President Enrique Peña Nieto and Virtual President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

REUTERS / Carlos Jbado









At 13:20 a meeting is scheduled between the transitional team of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the US envoys.

AFP / Pedro Pardo









Some people protested against the US government outside the offices of López Obrador.

Reuters / Gustavo Graf









Mike Pompeo is scheduled to meet López Obrador in the Tabasco offices in Mexico City's Roma neighborhood.

REUTERS / Gustavo Graf









Chihuahua Street, between Insurgentes and Monterrey, remains closed for security reasons.










The police guard the perimeter of López Obrador's offices, where he will meet Friday with US officials.

REUTERS / Gustavo Graf

The dollar is strengthened after Trump badured the day before that there would be no free trade agreement with the United States if the United Kingdom had close economic ties with the European Union after Brexit. we would deal with the European Union rather than with the UK, and that could possibly kill the agreement "that London wants to achieve with Washington," he warned in an interview with the British tabloid The Sun . Later that Friday, already with British Prime Minister Theresa May, next to him, Trump denied criticizing the bargaining strategy in the May Brexit, before which he said: "What you do is good."

At a joint press conference at the Checkers Domain, Trump said that presenting The Sun's interview as a crack to May was a false news.

May said Friday that Washington and London will use an "ambitious free trade agreement" after the Brexit

"We agree that when the UK leaves the European Union, we will pursue an ambitious free trade agreement "after the British exit from the European Union, said May.

Notice: The dollar is playing its cycle and the exchange in dollars?

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