The President of Haiti in consultation to seek the Prime Minister


PUERTO PRÍNCIPE (AP) – After a tense week that ended with the surprise resignation of the Haitian Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant and his cabinet, the President Jovenel Moses

Lafontant submitted his resignation the day before the criticism of various sectors and after the violent riots of July 6 to 8 against the unsuccessful attempt of "Violence does not work with development and democracy", has insisted Moses in his message issued around midnight Saturday by the government. State television

The head of the executive explained that after the violent demonstrations of the previous weekend he had carried out extensive consultations with all sectors, including the victims riots and agencies. International, in order to find a solution

During the demonstrations, dozens of private vehicles were cremated and several stores were destroyed and looted. At least two hotels in the residential area of ​​Pétion Ville were attacked.

Moses announced that he will continue consultations to appoint a new prime minister as soon as possible "to form an inclusive government whose mission will be to alleviate the misery of the Haitian people.", In addition to promoting the development of agriculture, energy and infrastructure

The remarks of Moses and the resignation of Lafontant were greeted with reserve by some sectors of the opposition André Michel, President of the Opposition Group of Progressive National Democrats, insisted that the resignation of the Prime Minister was not enough to get out of the political crisis.

The President " Moses is the problem he has to leave, "said The Associate Press Michel, who participated Saturday in protests in Port-au-Prince to demand the resignation of the head of the party. State and Lafont ant

Former Prime Minister and former capital of the capital, Evans Paul, founder of the Committee of Democratic Unity, considered the resignation of Lafontant as a first step and a "gesture". "love" to the country. [19659003] Paul trusted that Moses began a period of agreement with all sectors of society to appoint the new head of government.

In his Saturday evening speech, the Speaker did not talk about plans to increase the price of fuel, which became the trigger of the riots, or demands of some political groups who want him to resign as well.

The attempt to drastically increase tariffs for gasoline, diesel and kerosene are part of a government agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that provides for structural reforms, reducing hydrocarbon subsidies, better tax collection and investments in health and education.

The goal of the agreement is to stabilize the Haitian economy, which, with a per capita income of about $ 790 a year, is the poorest country in the Americas and nearly 60% of its 10.5 million inhabitants survive on less than two dollars a day.

With the reduction of subsidies, the government is seeking to increase its revenue by about $ 300 million, while the agreement with the IMF would allow Haiti to access loans from the government. 39, about $ 96 million.

Lafontant, a 57-year-old doctor with no experience in public administration, was in charge since March 2017, when his appointment by Moses was approved by Parliament, as established by the constitution.

The Prime Minister is the head of government and is in charge of appointing the cabinet. Moses has no deadline for appointing Lafontant's substitute so that the bicameral Parliament ratifies it.

In this note:

  • Haiti
  • Port-au-Prince
  • Jack Guy Lafontant
  • Jovenel Moses [19659032]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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