The proclamation of the health journal sweeps social networks in Cuba


A new cry has spread through the networks in Cuba with the speed of light. This is the proclamation of the health journal, a product often rare and that Cubans replace the official newspapers or the sheet of paper that appears

"Sanitary paper, says the chorus, buy me my people, clean the seat ", we hear him proclaim a Cuban man in the street while pbadersby record with a mobile phone such a curious improvisation.

Cuban culture has a long tradition of preaching, some of which are very popular, as is the case of ] El Manisero Flores or For a trousers and jacket . Great musicians of all time have been inspired by these popular songs to compose beautiful pieces that are part of the nation's heritage, including Felix B. Caignet, Ernesto Lecuona and Moisés Simons, some of whom

50 pesos sanitary paper ", sings" the pregonero of Cuba. "On the island, the official average salary is about 30 dollars, so that the purchase of a roll of paper toilet can cost between one and two days of work of a worker.

At a time of ever more sophisticated preaching, in which many suppliers make use of recorded phrases that are broadcast by high wireless speakers, the cry of this Cuban who offers such a basic product in a simple way, promotes laughter and reflection.When listening, many can not bear the laughter, but many others remember the soft texture of the last time that they had a ccess to a good toilet paper.


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