The Puerto Rican government sued for publishing a document in English only


July 23, 2018, 19:02 San Juan, July 23 (Prensa Latina) The Puerto Rican government was continued today by the organization Espacios Abiertos, to discriminate against Puerto Ricans who do not speak English by publishing only in that language, his plan of recovery and reconstruction

By the judicial action before the Superior Court of Puerto Rico, the Central Office of recovery and reconstruction is required to establish another period of public comment to enforce the rights of

"We echoed the citizen's claim of those who are at a disadvantage to understand what the plan says so we can comment on it, and we did it in the short period of nine years. Said Cecille Blondet, general manager of Espacios Abiertos at El Nuevo Día newspaper.

For Blondet, there is no transpa. When public information is limited to a minority.

Although Puerto Rico was under colonial rule of the United States for 120 years, Puerto Ricans had a resistance to English which for 40 years was imposed as the only one

Unlike the 39 Government action for the annexation of the New Progressive Party (PNP), led by Ricardo Rosselló Nevares, US government agencies divulge information in Puerto Rico in English and Spanish.

Repair and Reconstruction has 411 pages, which detail 270 initiatives for an estimated cost of $ 125 billion, as part of recovery projects after Hurricane Maria.

agp / nrm

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