The rains in Japan leave more than 100 dead; continue the search for survivors


The torrential rains recorded in southwestern Japan left at least 104 dead and more than 50 missing one of the country's worst natural disasters.

The record rains recorded since Thursday in the Japanese archipelago have mainly affected the prefectures of Hiroshima and Ehime where floods and landslides caused by rains have devastated thousands of homes and left several populations completely isolated.

About 73,000 Soldiers of Self Defense Forces (Army), Police and Firefighters Continue Work Today Rescue Refugees on Rooftops and Roofs of Buildings who were flooded, for which they deployed 7 helicopters explained the Minister at a press conference Executive Spokesman, Yoshihide Suga.

At the time, the search for 56 missing persons continues, according to data collected by the NHK state chain

Hiroshima (west), at less 42 people died in various accidents related to torrential rains and 3 others were seriously injured, while in Ehime (island of Shikoku, southwest) there was 23 deaths recorded at the moment according to the latest data provided by the affected localities.

Deaths have also been recorded in ten other prefectures in the central and western part of the Japanese archipelago since Thursday, when precipitation began to exceed a cumulative level of 1600 millimeters. in the southern, western and central parts of the archipelago

Authorities have come to recommend the evacuation of 5.9 million citizens in 19 of the 47 prefectures of the Asian country. or during the weekend, and on the eve of more than 30,000 people spent the night in shelters, according to the government.

About 20,000 continue today evacuated, the Nikkei newspaper collected.
Precipitation caused overflowing rivers Entire populations flooded, where water reached three meters in some places, and caused serious damage to buildings, roads, bridges and other infrastructure, as evidenced by the striking images collected by the local media.

The Meteorological Agency Japan (JMA) has already removed the maximum level of alert in the affected areas, but maintains warnings of floods and landslides in several areas.

It is feared that the death toll will continue to increase in the coming days access to isolated areas, which would place the meteorological disaster as the worst of this type since 2011, when Typhoon Talas cau The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism uses drainage trucks to extract water from flooded areas, such as Mabicho district (Okayama), where 4,600 houses have been submerged, but this task could last two weeks

The rains also resulted in the suspension of 56 railway lines in the south-west of the country, as well as the closure of many roads and forced large companies such as motor vehicles. Mazda or Toyota are suspending the production of several of its plants in disaster-affected areas.

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