The rebellion of a people still engaged in its history


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Camagüey, Cuba, July 26, Day of National Rebellion, History, Moncada Barracks

By Waldo Mendiluza / Prensa Latina.

Cubans prepare to Celebrate the Day of National Rebellion on July 26, a day when, for decades, they ratified the commitment to the socialist project and the January 1, 1959 Revolution.

July 26 recalls Day of Rebellion In 1953, under the leadership of Fidel Castro, a group of youth attacked the Moncada barracks in Santiago de Cuba in the east of the country and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes in Bayamo, today. The province of Granma, in actions considered as the spark that unleashed struggles for true and definitive emancipation

As happens on every closed anniversary, the central actions for the date will take place in Santiago de Cuba, a city founded in the summer of 1515, which owes its history and traditions Ulo City Hero of the Republic

Members of the so-called Centennial Generation, with reference to 100 years of birth hero Cuban independenceist José Martí (1853-1895), the young revolutionaries took this morning weapons to overthrow a corrupt and bloody dictatorship in the service of the United States and its companies.

Although military objectives were not achieved, many badailants died in the attack, others were killed soon after and some were imprisoned. the actions represented a moral achievement and clearly indicated that on the island there were people willing to build a better future, at the price of any sacrifice, including life.

Fidel Castro said that on July 26 he represented "a new road to the village; This marked the beginning of a new conception of the struggle that, not so long ago, broke the military dictatorship and created the conditions for the development of the Revolution. "

The celebration of the National Rebellion coincides Cuba was marked by a change in the direction of the state and government, with the arrival in the presidency last April of Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, who swore allegiance to the legacy of the historical generation of the Revolution. [19659010] It also happens a few days after the National Assembly of People's Power (Parliament) approved a draft reform of the Constitution in force since 1976, text that will be the subject of a popular referendum, convened from November 13 to 15. 19659010] The document reflects profound changes in the structure of the state, expands rights and includes various forms of property, including private property, preserving the social character Isla de la Isla and the main role of the Communist Party in its society

The current Cuba and its achievements

The Moncada barracks, converted into a school town with the Revolution, is a symbol of the transformations in Cuba, which of course continue as part of the updating of the socio-economic model of the city. 39; island.

The largest of the West Indies today proudly demonstrates the universal and indiscriminate access to health, education and social badistance, sectors that receive a large part of the annual budget.

Of particular note is the infant mortality rate in 2017 (4.0 per 1,000 live births), the lowest in history. of the country, which has eliminated 14 infectious diseases and managed that nine others do not constitute a problem, to present rates lower than 0.1 per 100 thousand inhabitants.

With regard to education, last September began the academic year 201 7-2018 more than one million 750,000 students, while the literacy rate is 99.8% in children and adults aged 10 to 49 years.

President Díaz-Canel Bermúdez called the city days to unity and continue the struggle for a socialist Cuba, prosperous and sustainable, inspired by the example of Cubans such as those who, on July 26, 1953, attacked the Moncada barracks in Santiago de Cuba, and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes

By intervening on July 22 at the close of the first ordinary session of the Ninth Legislature of the National Assembly , the president called to face the multiple challenges that the country has, including the economic and commercial blockade "But that was not even more difficult for the patriots who, 150 years ago , went into the jungle, burning their homes to chase the colonizing empire, and the ones that 65 years ago, they stormed a fortress almost without weapons and without combat experience? And for those who, vanquished, but never vanquished, left the prison in exile, from exile to Granma, from Granma to the Sierra and the Sierra and Clandestinity to the conquest of hope, the one that we have been defending for 60 years? he condemned. (Image: PL)

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