The Red Moon in pictures: C & # 39; was how it was lived in Africa, Europe and Asia


The longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century began to color the red satellite on Friday, while Mars almost at its closest point to Earth, shines in all its splendor and the Astronomical spectacle was appreciated in Greece from where he was photographed next to the ancient Greek marbles, among which, a statue of the ancient Greek goddess Athena and Apollo stands out in the city Athens.

The full moon and Mars were also seen, next to a mosque tower in Jakarta capital of Indonesia while in The Arab Emirates appeared behind the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi.

In Tunisia more than 2,000 people gathered in the Capital City of Science to admire the eclipse, including many children, waiting their turn to watch the moon through the telescopes.

Near Lake Magadi, 100 kilometers southwest of Nairobi ( Kenya ), a couple, Susan Muraban and Chu Owen set up their own telescope so that neighbors could admire The spectacle

The eclipse, which corresponds to the moment when the Moon is submerged in the shadow of the Earth, can be seen totally or partially in the half of the world: Africa Europe, ] Asia and Australia . But it is in the east and south of Africa Middle East and India where it is best observed. In all the countries concerned, activities have been organized to observe the phenomenon. (With information from the AFP)

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