The registration of mobile lines reaches 11 million in Bolivia –


  The recording of mobile lines reaches 11 million

A user reviews social networks via his mobile. Photo: ATT

The first quarter of this year recorded just over 11.3 million mobile lines in the country, according to data released by the Telecommunications and Transport Regulatory and Supervisory Authority ( ATT).

The departments reporting the highest concentration are: La Paz, with 29%; Santa Cruz, 28%, and Cochabamba, 18%. Oruro, Tarija, Potosí and Chuquisaca are followed by less.

Internet Connections

In parallel, the regulator informed that Bolivia has 9.4 million Internet connections, during the period mentioned above

The increase in the number of connections shows a growth of 6.8% in the first three months of this year, compared to a similar period of 2017.

According to the detail, between In January and March of last year, 8.82 million connections were recorded and, for the same period, it was increased to 9.42 million.

Ten years ago, in 2008, the register did not reach a million. the users, that is to say, they were only 0.23 million connections, according to the data of the inspector.

The official report indicates that the population's access to the Internet is mainly through its mobile, with Internet coverage. 95%; the fixed connection reaches 4% and another 1% of the total universe of connections.

"Ten years ago, in Bolivia, the net revenues of the mobile service far outweighed the rest of the telecommunication services, such as Internet access, fixed-line, value-added, long-distance and distribution services. "However, he adds that this situation has reversed from 2017, since the Internet service generated the most important economic flow in the world," says a press release from the ATT

. sector, with 5,420 million Bolivianos of net income, far exceeding the mobile service, which reached 3,134 million Bolivians, in the closed data of the regulator.

Page Siete / La Paz

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