The reporter El Gordo and La Flaca are returned as part of the discounts on Univisión


The personnel cuts in the Hispanic network Univisión also reached the program El Gordo and the Flaca, where the journalist Paco Fuentes was dismissed. After persistent rumors, it's the reporter himself, through a posting on Instagram, which confirmed that he was leaving the chain.

"Today I'm not leaving home, I'm leaving home @univision.I leave with great pain, but head up, knowing that I've done things with all the l & # 39; 39, love and professionalism for you who do us the favor of seeing us, reading us and listening to us day after day. "It remains for me only to thank God and those who have me allowed to participate in this spectacular session of life.I hope that soon I will open another door as big as @elgordoylaflaca to stay close to you, "he added by referring directly to the expectations .

Fuentes got the popularity of the controversy that generated a slap given by the Mexican actor Eduardo Yáñez on a red carpet

Recently, the new executive director of Univisión hinted very directly at The time: "We are facing difficult days while the company is adjusting." [19659002] On Wednesday, some important layoffs were announced, among them the Chilean meteorologist Paola Elorza ( Noticias 23 ). Cecilia Ramírez Harris, Venezuelan expert on the health and lifestyle of Primer Impacto and the correspondent of the Noticiero Univision María Eugenia Payán

The Telemundo network also readjusts and recently announced that the program "Don Francisco invites you ", directed by the famous Chilean presenter Francisco Kreutzberger, will be released only in December.

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