The school class in Las Tunas ends with superior results


Las Tunas.- The fact that more than 99% of students have approved pre-university studies in Las Tunas, shows that the 2017-2018 school year ends with superior results based on the indicators of 39 Effectiveness of Cuban Education

Juan Miguel Barrios, Deputy Provincial Director of Education, told the Cuban News Agency that the territory also ended with notable successes in the knowledge contests at all levels of education, with 37 medals, figure that places Las Tunas for five consecutive years in the first national spot; More than 30 preseas in the basic secondary and two first places in the contest For a mathematical culture.

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In addition, pre-university and technical vocational training reaches the second place underlining the latter in the skills of preparation of young people to practice, in permanent link with the world of business and industry, adds the manager.

For the sixth consecutive year, he says, continuity of studies is ensured for all students in sixth and ninth grade, primarily for entry to the Rita Longa Aróstegui and Rigoberto Batista Chapman schools. , which will begin in September with more than 700 students and 14 specialties.

Read more: Graduation of educational schools Complete educational coverage of primary education in Las Tunas

The school period that has just ended, Las Tunas has strengthened the work with the future teachers because it constitutes one of the main objectives, especially those who will teach when applying the Third Perfection of Cuban Education.

The quality of educational training of the more than 1,800 graduates of these provincial institutions and the sustainability of being among the most outstanding in the country, said Migüel.

Read more: The University of Las Tunas has graduated nearly 500 senior professionals

The merits in entry to higher education also stand out, above of 87 percent, which places the territory in the first national spot, an effort in which the family's call is recognized to support the process and which allows schools such as the Melton Almaguer pre-university, the municipality of Jesus Menéndez, and adult education have the totality of recognized

Recognized merit in the act of end of the school year (+ Audios + Gallery)

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