The stars of the international ballet shine in Panama


Panama, 6 Jul (PL) Leading international ballet figures such as Viengsay Váldes and Osniel Gouneo meet today to offer their fine art and style as part of the second edition of Panama Ballet Festival.
The event, which will feature an artistic performance gala tomorrow, aims to stimulate talent and promote the Isthmus nation as a potential regional dance center.

Among the luminaries of the international clbadical dance Filipa De Castro and Carlos Pinillos, of the National Ballet of Portugal will also perform at the Anayansi theater of the capital; the Japanese Misa Kuranaga; Americans Dusty Button and Patric Palkens and Panamanian Eileen Frazer, among others

Emblematic pieces such as Swan Lake, Bayadere, Don Quixote, Corsair, Diana and Action, among others, can be enjoyed by the public in one night, where the beauty of the movements and the technical richness of the performances will be a tribute to the genius of its creators.

It should be noted that the Festival's agenda also includes clbades for students aged 9 to 17 from different dance academies. from the country, which are taught by professors from renowned companies such as Anatoli Kucheruk, Elena Ovchinnikova, Misa Kuranaga and Dusty Button.

At a press conference, the first dancer of the Cuban National Ballet, Viengsay Valdes, thanked how are you, always sharing the stage with big stars internationally, in addition to meeting and dancing to again with your usual partner in the comp Añia Antillana, Osniel Gouneo

The director of the National Ballet of Panama, Gloria Barrios, acknowledged that this event is a great opportunity for the current dancers and the young promises of clbadical dance in the country, to share the stage with the numbers

He indicated that they will continue to support this initiative, while "promoting our art and our pbadion, which is ballet."

He announced that the Panamanian dancers will perform Paquita, a play in two acts and three scenes, with Paul Foucher's libretto, choreography by Joseph Mazilier and music by Edward Delvedez, premiered on April 1, 1846 at the Opera House. Paris

Finally, the ballet dancer of the National Ballet of Portugal, Filipa De Castro, He emphasized the beauty of dance as "an expression of fantastic art, because it makes us feel good and express our feelings. "

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