The UN insists on the inclusion and leadership of women in the Sahel


July 7, 2018, 19:03 United Nations, July 7 (Prensa Latina) UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed reaffirmed today that women should be included in all national and regional responses to the environmental, humanitarian and development challenges in the Sahel region.

This women's leadership is essential for Niger, said the High Representative after meeting with the President of this country, Mahamadou Issoufu, Saturday as part of a joint visit The importance of the participation of Women in conflict prevention, including violent extremism, was at the center of the meeting with the president, Mohammed said.

Since 2015, the security situation Niger has worsened, especially because of the action of Boko Haram: according to data from the UN, the first attack of this group in the city of Diffa displaced some 300,000 people, most of whom were women and children.

The humanitarian situation is now very delicate and the number of people in need of badistance has reached 2.3 million in 2018, an increase of 400 thousand over 2017.

In addition, countries Currently, some 165,000 refugees, the majority of northeastern Nigeria, the epicenter of Boko Haram activities.

Niger is one of the 10 countries forming part of the United Nations Support Plan for the Sahel, a region that extends from Chad – in the center of Africa – to Mauritania and in Senegal, in the west.

The initiative, presented by Mohammed on the sidelines of the AU summit, held in Mauritania last month, aims to contribute to the building of a lasting peace and also prioritizes economic growth , empowering young women and creating jobs.

After the return of the deputy general secretary of the UN headquarters in New York, the Council of Seg Security plans to hold a debate on the Sahel region next Wednesday

jf / ifb

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