The United States, Brazil and Canada impose themselves on Voli


SANTO DOMINGO – The United States defeated Trinidad and Tobago 3-1 in the match that opened yesterday the 17th Pan American Women's Cup which was held for seven days at the Gioriver Arias Palace of the Olympic Center Juan Pablo Duarte, dedicated to the President of the Republic Danilo Medina

After losing the first set by 21-25, the current Panamerican champions have appealed to the power of their service and attack to win the next three 25-15, 25-22, 25-15, as part of the group 'B & # 39; of this "Copa Viva", which will rank five countries for the Panamerican Games in Lima (Peru), in 2019. It was the first time in history that Trinidad and Tobago wins a set in the United States at volleyball

   The organizing committee awards the cup which is disputed in the event

The organizing committee delivers the cup which is disputed in the event

The exit Simone Lee was the highest scorer with 14 points, AiyanaAbukusumo-Whitney 13, Sarah Wilhite nine, Haleigh Washington eight and Lauren Carlini six for the winning cause. For Trinidad and Tobago, led by the Cuban coach pointed Afiya Alexander with 16, Sinead Jack and Darlene Ramdin with 10.

Brazil beats Mexico

The national team of Brazil, l & rsquo; One of the favorites to win the XVII "Copa Viva" Panamerican women's senior volleyball won Mexico in one hour and 16 minutes by 25-21, 25-19, 25-17, in the second match of the opening day and the first of the group "C". Opposite Honorio Marques shot his face with 16 points for Canarinhas, Central FrancyneJacintho 12 and ThaisaDaher 11, Salidora EdinaraBrancher Sept.

The Mexican technician of Cuban coach Ricardo Naranjo had the opposite Andrea Rangel with 13, the salidora Amantha Bricio 10 and his equal Claudia Ríos six

"I did not have much information about the Mexican team, but we could have a good match, even though we had little preparation for this tournament, "said Brazilian coach Ferna Wagner Coppini. ] In today 's day, for Group C, Brazil will play with Colombia at 2:00 in the afternoon and Mexico with Argentina at 4:00 pm.

Canada beats Peru

The Canadian side defeated Peru three games (25-21, 25-12, 25-17) in the third match of the day of the opening.

Canada relied on Kiera Van Ryk, who scored 18 points, Autumn Bailey 12, Emily Maglio eight and Jennifer Cross seven points. For Peru, Karla Ortiz contributed nine points, Yujhamy Mosquera, Kiara Montes and Clarivett Yllescas four each. This meeting marked the beginning of the hostilities of group A.
In other results, Puerto Rico defeated Cuba 3-0 to maintain its dominance and Colombia 3-2 to Argentina

– Games today
Trinidad and Tobago will be measured today, at 12:00 pm in Puerto Rico; United States to Cuba at 18:00 m., In the group & # 39; B & # 39; Costa Rica in Canada at 10:00 am, and RD in Peru at 18:00. m. in group A.

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