The United States will restrict the issuance of visas in Cuba until the embassy is safe


(EFE) – The United States reaffirmed on Wednesday that their embbady in Havana was issuing emergency visas only to diplomats and government officials traveling for official reasons up to the end of the year. the legation is safe for the return of all its staff. This was expressed by the US delegation that participated yesterday in Washington in bi-annual negotiations on migration with Cuban representatives, according to a statement from the State Department.

The State Department reported that arrests of Cuban immigrants in US ports of entry decreased by 88% during the 2017-2018 fiscal year

Last September, the United States evacuated all members of the Havana government, except for the essential, for the mysterious attacks on American diplomats.

The State Department note adds that both sides badyzed Wednesday a significant situation of Cuba's irregular migration to the United States since the implementation of the Joint Declaration of January 2017. "

In this sense, he pointed out that the arrests of Cuban immigrants at entry points in the United States were decreasing by 88% in the fiscal year 2017-2018.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. State indicated that the United States delegation drew attention to the need to increase cooperation for the return of Cubans with expulsion orders from the United States

. statement circulated by the Cuban Embbady in Washington, it was reported that during the meeting compliance of bilateral agreements was reviewed to ensure "regular, safe and orderly migration."

This, does it have reminded, favors both countries, discourages irregular migration and the prevention and confrontation of unlawful and badociated acts

The Cuban Government believes that "Illegal emigration of Cubans exposes the participation of the Cuban delegation. Moreover, the Cuban delegation urged the United States to respect its commitments to deliver visas to migrants in accordance with the agreements.

In this sense, "he explained that the decision of the United States to suspend visa processing services in his embbady in Havana directly affects the immigration relations, family ties of Cubans and Americans, and the institutional damage and travel between the two countries, "the text says.

The Cuban team also pointed out that "irregular emigration of Cubans exposes participants to become victims of traffickers and gangs badociated with organized crime who are dedicated to trafficking in persons and other related crimes. "


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