The Uruguayan commitment to independence ratified by independence


July 5, 2018, 12:55 Montevideo, July 5 (PL) The Venezuelan ambbadador to Uruguay, Julio Chirino, has ratified here that his compatriots remain firm, determined and in conformity with the ideas proclaimed by liberators, commemorating today the 207th anniversary of Independence.

He said that on July 5, 1811 Venezuela proclaimed itself sovereign and independent before any foreign yoke and in particular from Spain, which had repressed the Latin American peoples for 300 years.

Chirino recalled that with the spears and bayonets that contributed to the full independence of Venezuela, New Granada, Quito and Peru, and all of South America, Unity of our peoples would also go

North American ships were seen from the coast in the waters of the Orinoco, with weapons and ammunition in favor of the Spaniards, which, did he says, "was the first sign of intervention" in the nascent republic.

The ambbadador recalled the response then of El Libertador Simón Bolívar to this threat that the Venezuelan people was ready to "perish completely to make prevail the full independence".

In this regard, he added that Venezuela is in today, the territory of the only zone of peace in the world threatened by the main economic and military power of the planet, the United States.

He pointed out that Bolívar has left a space that gives them daily to Latin Americans and Venezuelans. the road and how to exercise true independence.

The diplomat said that thanks to the historic leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, twenty years ago, Venezuelans regained the consciousness necessary to exercise with dignity the independence bequeathed by the liberators

. He thanked, in that sense, Bolivar and all those who shed their blood for independence and cultivated the ideas of tria, republic and nation because today we exercise full sovereignty and enjoy the sovereign exercise. "

Chirino pointed out that the Venezuelan people today are following their own, sovereign and independent path to consolidate the representative and protagonist democracy, made for the Venezuelans from the ideas of our founding fathers. "

The Liberator bequeathed us independence and Commander Chávez the conscience of exercising it with dignity," he pointed out

"Today, we Venezuelans respond to the same current pretensions of intervention. Minister of Foreign Affairs, badured the diplomat, in an act held at the monument in Bolivar, which was attended by the diplomatic corps of friendly countries.

"Today we Venezuelans respond to the same" deal with the present pretensions of foreign intervention, said the diplomat in action celebrated in the monument to El Libertador Simón Bolívar, who was badisted by the diplomatic corps of You are friends.

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