The wifi reaches only one third of the popular advice of Las Tunas


Only 30% of the people's councils of the province of Las Tunas have a Wi-Fi service. One can not speak of a connected country obviously, when the majority of its population does not know not yet what is the Internet.

Even the proposed goal is that 44 of its popular councils have access to the network of networks, which continues to prove that there is no and that it does not exist. There will be no internet for everyone.

But if all the popular councils of Las Tunas and Cuba as a whole had Wi-Fi, then the problem would be the money to pay the connection hours. How many Cubans can invest their monthly salary by paying the cards to the monopoly that is Etecsa?

However, the official media of the island continue to give as "good news" the internet access to Cuba, which they called with a more pompous name: "computerization of the Cuban society ".

According to Carmen Alonso, communicator of the telecommunications company (Etecsa) in Las Tunas, the goal is to increase the Wi-Fi zones, which total more than 40, with great acceptance in the population .

"The strategy is to reach them at all popular councils and we are still trying to establish a place where people have the conditions to sit and access the connection," he said. said.

Because yes, it is another big problem, that of sitting in any container, in any street, in the rain, sunny or serene.

According to the official, "in the municipal capitals, there are Wi-Fi sites and they reach the most remote places of the geography of Las Tunas, so that every citizen has access to new technologies".

However, we know that this will not solve the fundamental problem of Cuban connection. The fact that the wifi reaches more distant places does not mean that everyone will have access to the network.

According to Alonso, when they arrive at these places, they train people to learn what is the Internet, something that many in Cuba only relate to IMO or Facebook video messaging application, without still have the slightest idea that the internet is a vast universe.

However, for the island government and its main spokesmen, the media, are still "achievements" and holders that Wi-Fi reaches a village as before the circus or cinema, whatever something that should be normal, like in the rest of the world.

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