Theater Retablos, throw the house out the window – La Ventana


  Teatro Retablos, throwing the Casa by the window Cartel of Fábulas de escritorio

As part of the summer day La Casa por la ventana, Hall Manuel Galich will host on Friday, July 20 at 4:00 pm, the work Christian Medina's one-person desk fables from the Theater Retablos, with dramaturgy and the direction of the own puppeteer.

Christian Medina is an actor, artistic director and general of the Puppet Theater Group Retablos, as well as playwright and designer. Graduate in interpretation and visual arts, he graduated in socio-cultural studies. He has developed an important stage work in Cienfuegos and since 2017 he has moved to the capital, where he works related to El Arca. He received the Terry Terry Performance Award for Dirty Pica at the Monologue Festival; several prizes in different editions of Santa Clara Small Format Festival, and won the City Prize "Foundation of Fernandina de Jagua", in Cienfuegos.

Author of works such as The son of the wind and After the night / In the garden, a vampire slept has adapted and interpreted works of art. Onelio Jorge Cardoso, Hans Christian Andersen, as well as other stories of popular tradition. In Fables de bureau recreates the stories "The little mouse Perez and the pencil", Volodia Suteiev, and "The pretenders of the ratita", Panchatantra in a show of 45 minutes for all audiences.

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