There are 689 students from the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara


The dream of many students of the University of Medicine Dr. Serafín Ruiz de Zárate Ruiz has just come true when 689 of them have received their diplomas of professionals from the prestigious institution of Villa Clara.

They gave birth to the 50th and each swore in favor of the necessary excellence required in the area, particularly by falling as many as on the specialty of medicine which provides 553 graduates, including 34 foreigners.

There are 136 graduates in dentistry, with a foreign degree, and the predominance of females, which exceeds 61% in general.

Julio Ramiro Lima Corzo, member of the Central Committee and first party secretary at Villa Clara; Osnay Miguel Colina Rodríguez, leader of the party in the provincial capital, and Lien Duardo Castellón, member of the Provincial Party Bureau, among other officials, attended the ceremony which was attended by representatives of the Cape Verde embbadies. and from Ghana, the nations that have diplomas, with Bolivia and Argentina.

  Graduation of the Medical University of Villa Clara
During the day, the best graduates by specialties were recognized, as well as the Scientific Merit Award and the Granting of Gold Titles to 114 graduates. (Photo: Ramón Barreras Valdés)

Yenisey de la Caridad Ortiz Chinea has the satisfaction of being the most integral student for the career of stomatology and at the level of the institution; David Isidoro Padilla Cueto was the best in medicine

Internationally, the Argentine Aníbal Jeremias Velázquez, a graduate of another nationality, emphasized the current commitment with humanity and the safety of " take responsibility where we are "

The Revolution Square Ernesto Guevara also saw the recognition of the best graduates by specialization, the awarding of gold titles to 114 graduates and the Scientific Merit Award

. Dr. Ida Santana Perez, rector of the medical school, pointed out that "where there is a health professional, either in our archipelago or in distant lands, the virtues of honesty , the altruism of a city and ethics in favor of wellbeing. "

In previous sessions, 400 graduates of various health technology modalities received their certificates, among which ran: dental care, statistics in health, hygiene, social work, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, and surveillance and vector control. , the most represented.

With this diploma, the Medical University of Villa Clara reaches the historical figure of 27 579 graduates, of which 3 656 represent the flags of 79 nationalities.

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