These are the new demands that Cuba demands from those who want to open a business


Two days after the government announced the resumption of licensing of self-employed workers for next December, the government press reported that the conditions required to open a business on the island have also changed

. The rules are much stricter than previous ones as interested parties will have to provide more documentation than before the suspension of licenses in August of last year.

Now they must submit in writing the business plan that they have planned for their type of business.

To hire workers, it will be necessary for the owner to submit an application with "draft employment contract or equivalent document, when the agreed terms and conditions are specified", explains the agency. News State ACN .

"If necessary, they should provide information on the origin of the ipos and means, and the respect of the rules of physical planning, hygiene, food safety, environment, rational use of the water and protection against the Fire, "adds the note. set in Resolution No. 11/2018 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTSS), which will enter into force on 7 December.

"Sworn statement of the origin of the source of financing and investments will also be required" executed or executed.

"In all cases, the applicant must leave his position to express his interest in using posters, art services or both, the production or service schedule – corresponding to the workbench – and his Originally Originally for the Purposes of Social Security Affiliation. "

Prior to the suspension of the licenses last August to open a business, only This was to, according to the authorities, result in a" credit card ". 39, identity and two photos with the name and type of business ", which would have the effect" that the licenses are granted at the expense of the community, without knowing the legality of the raw material. financing of investments. "

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