They absolve Lula in a case for attempting to obstruct justice


On Monday, thousands of PT protesters called for the release of Lula before the Supreme Court of Brazil, Brasilia Source: AP

RIO DE JANEIRO.- After several days of judicial setbacks that limited his performance as a candidate -favorito- for the October elections, former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva received positive news from the courts today: a federal judge in Brasilia l & 39; acquitted in a case for attempted obstruction of justice related to the Lava Jato anti-corruption operation

The exmandatario, who is serving a 12-year prison sentence in Curitiba for corruption and money laundering in another case related to the Lava Jato, had been accused in 2016 of trying to buy the silence of the former director of Petrobras International Zone Néstor Cerveró , who negotiated a collaboration agreement with Justice. The other defendants in the same case as the alleged participants in the attempt to stop the investigation were the former Senator Delcidio do Amaral, the Workers Party (PT), the banker Andre Esteves (BTG Pactual ) and businessman José Carlos Bumlai, Lula's friend; all were innocent by Judge Ricardo Leite.

Referring to Lula, the federal district judge pointed out that "there is a lack of evidence to support any reprehensible criminal trial". And he pointed out that the accusation of Cervera, then Amaral, which served as the basis for the charges "does not have enough credibility for a sentencing."

The decision in favor of Lula in this case was already awaited because last year the Federal Public Prosecutor of Brasilia had recommended the acquittal of the former president. Anyway, in addition to the second instance conviction for receiving a triplex department of the construction company OAS in exchange for guaranteeing the company's contracts with Petrobras, Lula is also prosecuted in seven other cases for active and pbadive bribery. money, trafficking in influence, illicit badociation and still obstructing justice in the case of his frustrated appointment as chief of staff of Dilma Rousseff in August 2016, a charge that would have protected against further prosecution.

Federal Judge Leite's decision comes after several days of legal losses for Lula. In a controversial maneuver orchestrated by PT deputies last Sunday, a judge of the 4th District Federal Court (TRF-4) in Porto Alegre, who has a long history of party activism, has surprised the country. . accept a writ of habeas corpus filed at the last hour of the previous Friday by the PT legislators. After several marches and counter-marches, including the federal judge Sergio Moro – who sentenced Lula in the first instance – and other TRF-4 magistrates, the president of this court of appeal intervened to end the release of the ex-principal.

This week, the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) rejected 150 habeas corpus petitions in favor of Lula interposed by PT activists who claim that since the former president is responsible for elections for the elections of In October, he should be allowed to participate in the campaign while appealing his sentence to higher courts. In fact, the Brazilian Clean Record Act does not allow a second-instance convicted person by a college to be a candidate for an elected office. Nevertheless, the PT is determined to register Lula's candidacy in August before the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE).

Meanwhile, Curitiba judge Carolina Moura Lebbos rejected a request from Lula's defense. that the ex-president could give journalistic interviews, record messages of proselytizing and participate in campaign events through videoconferences from his cell to the Superintendency of the Federal Police. According to the magistrate, the situation of Lula makes him "ineligible" for the elections of October

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