They accidentally find the oldest Egyptian pottery workshop


  Egypt discovered the oldest pottery workshop / PL


Cairo.- A pottery workshop of more than 4,400 years was discovered near the Kom Ombo temple in the governorate of Aswan, the southernmost of Egypt, was known here Wednesday

The workshop, the oldest ever discovered in Egypt, dates from the 4th Dynasty ( 2613 – 2494 BC) and was found in the area between the Crocodile Museum and the Nile Bank.

The Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Mostafa Waziri, reported that the discovery was made during the performance of the maintenance work to reduce the level of groundwater under the temple.

The structure has semicircular orifices of different sizes and contains a collection of cylindrical stone blocks, used to melt and mix clay.

A wheel was also discovered to make the ceramic and its limestone plateau.

Waziri explained that the discovery gives an idea of ​​the daily life of the ancient Egyptians, as well as the development of ceramics and industry through the different dynastic periods of the country. (PL)

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