They ask the French Chancellor to intercede for the release of the Cuban opposition Eduardo Cardet


The Christian Liberation Movement (MCL) asked by letter to French Chancellor Jean Yves Le Drian to intercede to obtain the release of Cuban political prisoner Eduardo Cardet. The letter was handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by Cuban writer Zoe Valdes. There, they explained to him that they were aware of the imprisonment of the Cuban opponent, recognized by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience.

The French Minister of Foreign Affairs will visit the island this weekend. He will be the first member of the Macron government team to travel to Cuba, where he will meet his counterpart Bruno Rodríguez, as reported by Aciprensa.

Dr. Holguin Eduardo Cardet is the national coordinator of MCL, elected since 2014 to replace Oswaldo Payá. He was arrested on November 30, 2016 at the door of his home and sentenced to three years in prison for a crime of "attack against the authority" in a lawsuit without guarantees, according to the MCL.

Cardet coordinated the campaign "A Cuban, One Voice", which requires the change of the electoral law. The militants of the MCL personally delivered the content of their proposal to the Cuban deputies

The national coordinator of the MCL remains incarcerated in the very prison of Cuba, in Holguín. Upon his arrival in prison, he was stabbed by several detainees and the authorities denied him the conditional, which is due to him by law. He also suspended family visits on the pretext that he "harms his re-education" and that he does not have access to phone calls. He is also asthmatic and has not yet received the results of a biopsy performed in May.

This Thursday, a group of lawyers from the NGO UN Watch filed a complaint with the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. also requests that Cuba release Cardet.

Similarly, the NGO Peace and Cooperation, a special advisory body to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, on Friday urged the Spanish government to intervene to obtain the release of the doctor from the United Nations. ;opposition. 19659002] The case of Eduardo Cardet also came to the State Council of Cuba. It was led by activist Rosa María Rodríguez, who was received by Felicia Martínez, responsible for Citizenship Attention.

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