They ask Vives to cancel their concert in Israel


The Colombian Asociación Árabe asked Vallenata composer and performer, Carlos Vives, not to appear in Israel in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

& # 39; We ask you not to participate The washing of the image of the state of Israel, which claims to be a democratic country, but which illegally occupies territories, also policies of cultural cleansing, "said Zurek Morón, cultural director of the Association, according to Prensa Latina.

Moron states that the state of Israel has a policy of inviting the international singers in a kind of smokescreen to conceal aggression against the Palestinian people.

He added that Vives is a true representative of the Colombian culture and hurts us so much that his music and his good faith will be used for these purposes. "

Also from the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions to Israel (BDS) movement in Colombia invited Vives to show solidarity with the Palestinian people and not to visit Israel as part of their Vives Tour, July 31.

I A few months ago, Barrancaillera Shakira canceled its visit to Israeli territory. also asks for BDS movement.

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