They celebrated the riches of the historic center of Camagüey


CAMAGÜEY.- The celebrations for the day of the declaration of the historic center of this city as World Heritage Site, which took place on July 7, 2008, began with a tribute of the park Ignacio Agramonte to the national symbols and In the Event, where all the establishments affiliated with the Office of the Historian of the City of Camagüey (OHCC) and the projects that everyone promotes, participated, a tribute was made It highlights the 39 importance of the importance and protection of the environment for the anthem of Bayamo, composed by Perucho Figueredo, in which the values ​​and Cubanism evoked whenever the Cuban people sings are put in evidence

. urban and it was stressed how the city campaign that I live the city that I am, intended to encourage the protection of heritage, pursues these goals. Then the Septeto Trova Tradicional dedicated a song to this initiative and the Provincial Concert Band, the Professional Chorus of Camagüey, the declamators met to animate with their talent in the morning.

The day continued with a parade at the downtown Maceo artery, led by the Folkloric Ballet of the province, to inaugurate the Prince Audiovisual Building where the audiovisual group , public relations and communication aims to disseminate information for the tangible and intangible heritage of the city and make visible through the production of multimedia documentaries and videos the work of sociocultural projects that are made for the good of the community.

The badistants at the opening have verified the appropriate conditions with which the workers of the radio studio, the television, will be informed of the intentions of the new center to create a more direct contact with the neighbors the place in connecting them to their chores.

Before the first of this project, socio-cultural community and materialized through the efforts of the "Office", with the support of the non-governmental organization Camaquito and the Agency for Swiss Cooperation for Development ( Cosude), the present enjoyed the performance of the living statues, stilts and the group Intempore who played the numbers My impulses on you, of the film The Broken Gods, ] and Over time, of the American film Casablanca .

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