They create a model that predicts the risk of fires globally


July 3, 2018, 16:27 Washington, July 3 (Prensa Latina) Researchers from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have created a model to badyze the climatic factors that lead to the formation and spread of fire on a global scale, today issued a statement from the US agency

This is the first forecast model Fire which includes satellite precipitation measurements, for which it compiles and badyzes sets of data and produces a score indicates the likelihood and intensity of the disaster in a particular area.

According to experts, predicting the intensity of fires is important because smoke can affect the quality of the air and increase the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

To conduct the study, instead of seeing the individual climatic components, scientists observed its full effect, so that combines weather data from various sources related to temperature, humidity, wind speed and precipitation.

In various parts of the world, tracking fires and smoke using NASA's satellite data is the only way to get a consistent picture of fire activity, said Robert Field, creator of the model.

This helps to understand how this could change and allows us to think about the future for different climate scenarios, adds the author of the research. The new model has already been used in countries like Indonesia, with an intense fire season during the El Niño years, to provide a more accurate picture of the possible danger of these disasters.

Field and his team intend to add more elements in the next version, including the observation of details with which you can predict a high risk of

They also intend to include the types of vegetation in the soil, because the fire activity can start or extend differently, depending on the fuel.

jf / lrc

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