They create an amplifier for optical fiber transmission


  Create an amplifier for fiber optic transmission. "Title =" Create an amplifier for fiber optic transmission. "Style =" float: left; margin: 1px 2px; border-radius: 5px; padding: 3px; border: 1px solid gray; "/> Washigton, July 6 - An international team has designed an amplifier capable of nearly six times the conventional range of an optical fiber transmission to four thousand kilometers, published today the magazine Nature </p>
<p>  This invention aims to meet the growing demand for greater transmission capacity, generated by video transfer, cloud storage and other online services, in addition to providing significant improvements over solutions. conventional devices to optical amplifiers sensitive to the very low-noise phase, the researchers have demonstrated that it is possible to reduce the impact of noise accumulation and signal distortion on nonlinear effects on the transmission fiber </p>
<p> ] The two are the main limits of the range and capacity of fiber transmission links Current </p>
<p>  Although several engineering challenges remain before these amplifiers can be implemented commercially, for the first time the results show the great benefits of their use in optical communication, said Peter Andrekson, head of research. 19659003] These amplifiers can provide improved range over conventional approaches, and also increase the performance of future fiber optic communication systems. </p>
<p>  Applications can also be found in quantum computing, as well as in spectroscopy (study of interaction between electromagnetic radiation and matter, with absorption or emission of radiant energy), which could benefit of a very low-noise amplification, added Professor Andrekson </p>
<div clbad= Related terms: Optical Fibers

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