They define the school selections for the National Games


Athletics, indoor soccer and volleyball were the school sports program that took place on Tuesday, July 3 near the Sports Center, thanks to the joint work of the Physical Education Coordination, sports and recreation. of the educational zone, Ministry of Sports and Regional Sports Institute (Irdez).

School sports activities were attended by a hundred male and female athletes – students who have climbed the ladder in different phases for the clbadification to integrate the selection of Zulia who will represent us at the # 39, National School of Sports Games. scheduled for the middle of this month in the states of Lara, Yaracuy and Portuguesa.

The athletes participating in this phase come from the municipalities of Cabimas, San Francisco, Machiques de Perijá and Maracaibo, who won the position to be present at this stage.

In the specialty of athletics, the tests performed are 80, 600 and 800 meters flat, the javelin throw and the ball pulse.

The Bolivarian government of Zulia in the management of the economist Omar Prieto Fernández seeks to continue to save and consolidate school sports as a fundamental tool for the physical and mental development of children and adolescents and the detection of new talents as relay generation in state sports teams.

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