They demand compensation from Global Air for an accident


Mexico City The Mexican airline Global Air, responsible for the operation of the Boeing 737-200 that collapsed on May 18 in Cuba, refuses to pay compensation to the Commissioner's family and the boss María Daniela Ríos Rodríguez, who died in the incident.

María Daniela's parents filed a complaint with the Federal Conciliation and Arbitration Board (JFCA) against Aerolíneas Damojh, known commercially as Global Air, and against the owner Manuel Rodríguez Campo

The lawsuit was filed July 3 and seeks compensation for the death of the 24-year-old flight attendant, who lost his life after the crash of the plane from Havana. Holguin

Family members also claim the payment of three months of retroactive pay, the seniority bonus for four years of service, vacation and bonuses for 2017 and those proportional to 2018, as well as that evidence of contributions to the IMSS, Infonavit and Afore, benefits of which the deceased has never benefited.

Víctor Ríos Jiménez, father of the commissioner, explains that they decided to file the complaint after holding a meeting with Rodríguez Campo, who treated them in a despotic manner

"We arrived at his office, he came down and said, "And what are they doing here, who are they?" "As a father I would have broken it … I've had days where my daughter died and the man treated us like that, I endured my pain but he is a stupid person, he is a bad person

"He told us that he did not take care of anything, which was not Global's responsibility, so I do not know who is responsible? ", he questioned while wiping his tears

Ríos Jiménez reported that the company only covered the funeral expenses and part of his trip He claimed that the owner of Global Air is exempt from his responsibilities , lack of commitment to relatives of the victims and that the benefits were never covered.

My daughter had no right to work as the law and the airline operated like that and I do not know why the Ministry of Communications and Transportation authorized it, "he said, taking the picture of his youngest daughter, Daniela's sister Ríguez, denouncing that Work of the company were many, but stated that the victim should work to support his parents. "No economic figure will make my sister, but this man must work for this job, she has a professional responsibility," he said. she said, in tour of Daniela's photographs.

112 people died in the plane crash: 101 Cuban pbadengers, 6 Mexican crew members, a Mexican tourist, two Argentineans and two Sahrawis. The only survivor of the accident is recovered in a hospital.

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