They salute the performance of Ecuadorian disabled athletes in Germany


July 5, 2018, 10:02 Quito, July 5 (Prensa Latina) The Ecuadorian authorities today congratulated the national disabled athletes for their performance at the recent Grand Prix of the Open. Athletics that took place in Germany.

The Ecuadorian delegation concluded the meeting held in Berlin with 11 medals (three gold, six silver and two bronze).

According to data provided by the Sports Secretariat, among the athletes who distinguished themselves were Anais Lara (T20) in the 400-meter competition, Stalin Mosquera (T20) in shot put and Ronny Santos (T20) in jump in length, who won the gold.

The silvered reached Damián Carcelén at 400 meters and long jump, Darwin Castro in 500 and five thousand meters, Marlixa Padilla, in 400 meters and Cleider Aguas, in 400.

Anderson Colorado (400) and Najely Linda (800) brought the bronze home.

18 national athletes entered the contest, Athletes are part of the 2018 High Performance Plan that funds the government and ensures training, international participation and coverage of their needs as part of the 2018 High Performance Plan which had the financial support of the institution, which contributed 154 000 417 dollars. sports.


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