They will present Hugo Chávez's diary on the occasion of the 64th anniversary of his birth


July 19, 2018, 17:52 Caracas, July 19 (Prensa Latina) The Comandante Eterno Foundation Hugo Chávez will present on July 28 the book Diario del Cadete, a volume written by the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, at the Occasion of the 64th anniversary of his birth

The text brings together the thoughts, confessions and experiences of the revolutionary leader in his transit through the Military Academy.

The presentation will take place at the Cuartel de la Montaña, located at the parish of January 23, in Caracas, where the remains of Hugo Chávez rest after his death on March 5, 2013.

The act of presenting the Diario del Cadete will include the participation of the Socialist leader Adán Chávez, as well as comrades of arms and study of the maximum promoter of the Bolivarian Revolution in the academic institution, reported the agency of Venezuelan press.

The commemorative activities for the 64th anniversary of Hugo Chávez's Licio Cream will be extended from July 24 to July 28 and will include lectures, reading circles and presentations of the research works of the Institute of Higher Studies of the Thought of Commander Hugo Chavez

ga / wup

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