This could be the houses on Mars


NASA, in collaboration with Bradley University of Peoria, Illinois, selected the top five teams to share a $ 100,000 prize in the final phase of the 3D Printed Houses Design Contest.

The winners successfully created digital representations of the physical and functional characteristics of a home on Mars using specialized software tools and should materialize in the coming years.

Each house is designed to be built with 3D printing technology and most uses Martian materials, such as rocks or earth, for foundations. In addition, they are designed to serve as home and workplace for astronauts, so that they have laboratory facilities and entertainment.

The prize was shared among the teams on the basis of the scores awarded by a panel of experts. On the subject of NASA, academia and industry, judges interviewed and evaluated presentations from 18 teams from around the world. These were the equipment and the designs chosen:

1. Zopherus Team from Rogers, Arkansas.

2. HAVE. SpaceFactory of New York.

3. Kahn-Yates of Jackson, Mississippi.

4. SEArch + / Apis Cor from New York.

5. Northwestern University of Evanston, Illinois.

"We are delighted to see the success of this diverse group of teams that have approached this competition in their own styles," says Monsi Roman Program Director Centennial Challenges of NASA "Not only do they design structures, but they design habitats that will allow our space explorers to live and work on other planets.We are delighted to see how their drawings come to life as the competition progresses. "

The competition aims to promote the progression of the sustainable refuges which will occupy one day Luna, Mars or beyond by pushing the inventors to develop new technologies capable of producing habitat using local resources with or without recyclable materials.

Source: Milenio

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