The Cuban Observatory for Human Rights criticized this week the new position adopted by Spain at a plenary session of the European Union, where it is taking place. Is pronounced against sanctions against Latin American countries like Cuba.
the Observatory described as "unfortunate" the statements of Josep Borrell, Spain's foreign minister, regarding the policy towards the island
Minister Borrell has expressed in Brussels that, henceforth, " Spain It will not mark the sanctions when there is a problem in Latin America, it is not our role, our role is the demand and the dialogue." [19659004] "We do not want to repeat the example of Cuba". "We were the ones who ran the hard line and, when the thaw came, the one who was the protagonist was the president (French, Francois) Hollande, the president (US, Barack) Obama and us"
L & # 39; Observatory felt that a policy of "intransigence" should not be confused with the firm's defense of human rights and democratic values "in the Caribbean nation, where dozens of dollars are spent". Arbitrary arrests are reported each month to opposition activists
"In the face of mbadive human rights violations, in all parts of the world, political sanctions have proven indispensable. Dialogue is also needed, but, realistically, the Cuban authorities have only been interested in obtaining benefits and time, as has been demonstrated for 60 years, "said OCDH.
that, for example, the policies of governments such as those of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and Mariano Rajoy to date have not produced any verifiable results in terms of democratic pluralism, respect for human rights and the right to freedom of expression. ; rights and an end to repression in Cuba [19659002"L'OCDHpréfèreunepolitiqueintelligentequin'estpasprésentisteouréactiveàcelledesautrespaysquiprendencomptelesintérêtsgénérauxdesEspagnolsmaisaussilerespectdeladignitéetdesdroitsdesCubains"soulignelecommuniquéEncesenslegroupeaprésentéàMBorrellsondésirdefournirtoutel'informationsurlasituationdesdroitsdelapersonnedansl'îleainsiquedetenirdesréunionspourréglercesproblèmes
last June, the Presidency espa gnole responded to a letter sent by the Observatory to the new governor Pedro Sánchez. In this letter, the Spanish government had given hope to the organization by reaffirming its "commitment to the promotion and defense of human rights".
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