Thorns, questions and hopes … • Workers


By Joel García

The seventeenth baseball confrontation between the Cuba and US national teams ended with the fourth online defeat (2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018) in the traditional match, now in just four games (5-1, 3-0, 2-0 and 4-15), as rain prevented a fifth game to be postponed, given the release of the game. team in Barranquilla on Sunday, where they hope to retain the regional title with more hopes than certainties, after seen nowadays in the Latin American stadium.

Photo: José Meriño

When talking about thorns against Northerners, it's not just the balance of victories and failures since the resumption in 2012 of these clashes. , by 15 ours), but the way we fall: bad offensive demonstration, tactical and concentration errors, as well as pitching too noble, without forgetting the motivation or physical fatigue, also visible in some players.

We were on the eve of three consecutive fronds (they saved us two wild game the first day) and still we explain the great talent and quality of the visiting team, with players between 19 and 21 years of age a five years we will see the majority in the major leagues, this justifies no performance, except today, when so-called special series and extensive preparation had to show the most High competitive point of the whole.

Interpreting what happened also involves interrogating the very conformation of the troop led by Carlos Martí. Eight players recruited from abroad were essential if in the end they could not sit on the bench at the last trial, which limited many variants and strategies? Is the formula of Yurisbel Gracial and Guillermo Avilés in gardens the ideal formula to win, even if none of them play in these positions during his regular campaigns? Can the role of each pitcher be strict if Yariel Rodriguez (announced as intermediate receiver) seems to be better than pitcher Ulfrido Garcia

The awakening of Cuban hits this Saturday (17 hits, with pair of circuits included) The Yordan Truce Manduley-Yurisbel Gracial-Frederich Cepeda gave much hope against Barranquilla, since they promoted nine of the 15 races between them.

all against all seem to benefit Cuba in a short tournament like the one to come, worries grow from the top with the US, because a collapse almost collective like the one we just saw ruin any possibility of success. 19659005] We hope that the last image, that of triumph, will be the one that lasts and extends to Colombia. But you must be objective. Unlike other multi-sport games or previous seasons, return options with or without a crown are pairs. And I would really like to be more optimistic, but the journalistic interpretation dictates something else.

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