Those who criticize Gente de Zona for thanking Diaz-Canel are "descendants of henchmen", according to the official press


The Cuban Official Media Calls the Miami Community Criticizing Gente de Zona for Thanking the Cuban President Miguel Diaz Canel for as "recalcitrant" and "fascistoid" ] the concert offered by the duo with Laura Pausini at the Ciudad Deportiva in Havana.

"I think the last words of Alexander were those who hurt the recalcitrant right of Miami, the gratitude" To be in this moment in front of the city, next to the city, sharing with Zona Gente "And this must have done even worse than the people who were waiting stoically the heavy rain of that day to allow the concert to begin, take advantage of the huge Gozadera of more than two hours with Pausini and Zona Gente, nothing less than with its president, "said the website Cubasi.

At the concert Alexander Delgado called for the applause of Diaz Canel for "sharing with the people of the area near the city"

"I want to say something and say hello to someone special, i think it's something very nice and i want you to know that we are present and thank you for coming to share this moment with us. are the people, what we represent, the applause for our president, Díaz-Canel, who is here.Thank you for being right now in front of the city, next to the city, sharing with Gente de Zona ", has declared Delgado

Cubasí pointed out that "such fascist positions were not completely absent in recent years when, under the most tolerant government of Obama, the cultural exchange program was put Hate business owners have never stopped politis er "culture", especially in the media that dictate what can or can not be said in this city. "

The digital site says the cry in the sky" for the Zona Gente concert and regretted, according to the text, that the keys of the city of Miami were removed from the duo after they were delivered in January 2016.

"The same" Tolerance "reached the point that the highest authorities in Miami could give the city's key to the people of the area" for their success "and remove it simply because someone, with different ideas from the mainstream consensus, enjoyed in a music video of that same group, "said the site without mentioning the name of the person he was talking about.

The video of yesterday is the recording of a concert of the duet in which appeared dancing with Gente Zone, R aúl Guillermo Rodríguez Castro, grandson of Raúl Castro and head of his escort

The article says that the critics of the representation of Gente de Zona in Havana are "descendants of the henchmen" of the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista.

"That the far right of Miami has always been separated from culture is no secret." What else to expect from the descendants of the henchmen from a dictatorship that left behind – after the triumph of the Revolution on January 1, 1959 – an island 57% of illiteracy? No government of the so-called "little cup of gold" has never been engaged in the literacy of the people, or mbadively promote culture, "said journalist Mr. H. Lagarde.

The reporter pointed out the criticism of Gente de Zona Miami is sick of the Failure, and "does not support any manifestation of the" dictatorship "of the Gozadera." "The right is sick of failure. Hatred and rabies are their only fuels. Hatred that causes helplessness and that does not support joy.

He added that "the anti-Cuban mafia of Miami is the first person responsible for the blockade against the people it claims to defend. He wants a people overwhelmed by need, sad and bitter, for this reason he can not bear, on this side of the strait, the minimal explosion of enjoyment, or what is like, no manifestation of the "dictatorship "Gozadera. 19659013] [ad_2]
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