Three injured after crushing a motorcycle with a truck in Ciego de Ávila


At least three people between the ages of 25 and 56 were injured differently after striking a motorcycle and a truck in the rural area of ​​La Cavera, in the municipality of Ciro Redondo, Ciego de Avila.

The accident occurred Wednesday In the early hours of the morning and as reported by journalist Leonel Iparraguirre González on his Facebook profile, there is no death to cry.

The three wounded were taken by ambulance to the Roberto Rodríguez General Hospital in Morón, where they were treated in the emergency room yesterday morning.

The wounded have already been identified:

1.- Félix Pulido López (51 years old). Motorcycle driver. He is president of the Association of Fighters of the municipality Primero de Enero, in Ciego de Ávila.

2.- Julio Gorrín Rodríguez (25 years old). Head of Human Resources of the Housing Association, also in the municipality of Primero de Enero

3.- Maribel Soca Lamadrid (56 years). Neighbor of the community of Las María, municipality of Ciro Redondo

Just a month ago we heard about another traffic accident in Ciego de Ávila. It happened when a Diana bus crashed into a house causing significant material damage. Apparently, the vehicle skipped a stop and ended up getting into a house. On that occasion, there were no deaths either.

Up to this year, the Ciego de Ávila traffic police arrested 19 drivers who were drunk driving. To avoid such situations, 12 medical teams were deployed throughout the province to test for alcohol on the roads. They were placed on the beach Felix, on the island of Turiguanó; Punta Alegre, north of Chambas; and to the base camp El Charcazo, municipality of Primero de Enero, according to the newspaper Invasor

Just that in June, 321 technical inspections were carried out on vehicles in the territory and it has found that 81 of them could not move.

In addition, 19 people were fined for allowing their animals to be loose on the road; 19 others lost their driver for undocumented driving and 13 animal-drawn cars were punished for driving between six in the evening and six in the morning.

During the first half of the year, 138 accidents were recorded at Ciego de Ávila. reversals that were settled with 20 facllecidos. It 's about twenty more accidents than at the same time last year.

In the last five years, 56,605 traffic accidents in Cuba have caused 3,696 deaths and an estimated economic loss of 2,500 million Cuban pesos (about $ 100 million), which represent between 1% and 5 % of the GDP of the island.

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