Timely Registration and Better Control of Resources


Budget execution in the first half of 2018 was evaluated by the 75 delegates of the Provincial People's Power Assembly in Villa Clara, highlighting the difficulties that affect its compliance and for better control over the resources that the state makes available to the development of the territory's economy.

There was a 3.8% overshoot of net sales of goods and services, $ 153.3 million more than expected, and current expenditures of budgeted activity are framed

However, in the public administration, they remained in abeyance to grant subsidies to natural persons to repair their homes for more than a million and a half pesos; moreover, the actions provided for in the repair and maintenance plan were not carried out

As the report presented to the delegates by the Economic Affairs Committee reveals, all the boards of Municipal administrations have not respected the territorial contribution for local development. 20,619,100 pesos were collected, but about 15,000,000 were lost, an aspect to which the President of the Government, Alberto López Díaz, indicated that he had the greatest attention. [19659002] He stressed the need for each delegate to demand the fulfillment of the economic plan and that, as stated by Army General Raul Castro, in savings there are reserves of great significance that can not be missed.

  Deputy Lina Olinda Pedraza Rodríguez.
Deputy Lina Olinda Pedraza Rodríguez, Minister of Finance and Awards. (Photo: Ramón Barreras Valdés)

In the meantime, the deputy of the Municipality of Ranchuelo and Minister of Finance and Prices, Lina Olinda Pedraza Rodríguez, emphasized two issues that should receive the maximum attention in the second semester: He said that the next sugar war will impose great challenges to the province, which should not do a small harvest in the last months of the year, but a big harvest, adjusting the timing of the next harvest . From the vagaries of climate change

He asked to improve the attention to the subsidized people, because last year in Cuba they stopped executing 70 million pesos, it is therefore necessary to perfect the work systems and help people to transform the housing fund situation; Most importantly, Villa Clara is one of the oldest provinces in the country.

However, said the Minister, the residents of Villa Clara and their leaders have managed to unite and resolve the complex situations imposed by nature in recent months: knowing how to emerge victorious and strengthen unity with the people. "

In the debate, delegates emphasized the need to increase exportable items, which are now 18 in the province.In this regard, one of them pointed out that it was important to substitute as much or more for imports, the export of goods and services was also important.

María del Carmen Velasco, delegate of Citma (Ministry of Science, Technology and Technology) the environment) in the territory, acknowledged the depth of opinion, but asked to perfect the process of investment with environmental destination, because there are delays in several projects or they are paralyzed, he gave as negative examples the paralysis of the project in the brewery of Manacas and the non-execution of the one planned in the fishing base of Caibarién.Also he mentioned the delays in the technological conversion of the plant. electrochemistry of Sagua, despite the systematic verification of such an important industry at Villa Clara, one of a kind in Cuba

. Municipality of Encrucijada, which shows progress in its government management and has managed to overcome the devastating blows of nature after the pbadage of Hurricane Irma, then the intense rains badociated with subtropical storm Alberto.

As examples of positive changes in the way of living and acting of the crossroads, the transformations were exposed in the popular councils Emilio Córdova and Abel Santamaría

The report of the educational performance was also presented in the academic year that just ended and the Distinction Award was approved distinguished personality to 22 Villa Clara educators of outstanding performance.

In the conclusions, Julio Ramiro Lima Corzo, deputy of Sagua la Grande, member of the Central Committee and first party secretary at Villa Clara, acknowledged the work done by the delegates in this first half of the year; in particular, the people of Villa Clara, protagonist of the successes achieved, and asked to strengthen the work in each place to make the reality of the Villa Clara program with all.

He also made a call to realize the general plan related to the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Santa Clara and the campaign of Las Villas, key actions in the center of the country, led by Che, which include no less than 500 actions and works.

Finally, Lima Corzo recalled the words of Raúl in his recent intervention on July 26 in Santiago de Cuba, when he said that in five months, we Cubans will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the historic triumph of 1. or of January 1959, so that Villa Clara will never miss it in the revolution.

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